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UCSF School of Dentistry is honored by NCOHF

CHARLOTTE, NC: National Children’s Oral Health Foundation: America’s Toothfairy (NCOHF) has named University of California San Francisco School ...


Int'l conference on dental and craniofacial stem cells to be held in New York

NEW YORK CITY: Columbia University’s College of Dental Medicine will host the First International Conference on Dental and Craniofacial Stem Cells ...


Report: California children continue to face oral health epidemic

Glendale, Calif.: Despite being one of the most preventable of all diseases, tooth decay continues to rank as the most widespread public health issue for ...


Disaster planning for your dental practice

Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Unfortunately, according to Murphy’s Law, it will also happen at the most inopportune time and at a ...


New products and technology on display in Atlanta

ATLANTA: When it comes to innovative new products, there is plenty to explore at the Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting. The meeting opened Thursday, March 24,...


Interview: ‘Everyone can have a celebrity smile’

In an interview with Dental Tribune, Dr Emanuel Layliev, director of the New York Center for Cosmetic Dentistry, talks about his high-profile practice in ...


Leo E. Rouse, dean of Howard University, installed as ADEA president

WASHINGTON, DC: Leo E. Rouse, DDS, was installed as the first African-American President of the American Dental Education Association (ADEA) at the 2011 ...


Dentists from around the world attend International Implantology Week in New York

NEW YORK CITY: Approximately 300 dentists from 28 countries gathered at New York University College of Dentistry March 14 to 18 for International ...


Osteogenics expands Global Bone Grafting Symposium with hands-on workshops

Scottsdale, Ariz: New in 2011, Osteogenics Global Bone Grafting Symposium is offering pre-symposium hands-on workshops on Thursday, March 31. Clinicians ...


So you expect debit card fees to fall?

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, signed into law on July 21, 2010, contained the “Durbin Amendment,” officially ...


Healthy gums may lead to healthy lungs

CHICAGO: Maintaining periodontal health may contribute to a healthy respiratory system, according to research published in the Journal of Periodontology. A ...


Dr Huang joins StemSave scientific advisory council

Herbert Schilder Professor in Endodontics and director of the postdoctoral program in endodontics at Boston University’s Henry M. Goldman School of ...


University of Maryland’s NovaMin technology added to major toothpaste line

BALTIMORE: This year, for the first time, millions of Americans will be protecting their sensitive teeth with NovaMin in everyday dental products. ...


Used woodwind and brass musical instruments harbor harmful bacteria and fungi

CHICAGO: Research has shown that playing a musical instrument can help nourish, cultivate and increase intelligence in children, but playing a used ...


EDA co-founder Ina Pockrass presents at State of Green Business Forums

The Eco-Dentistry Association (EDA) co-founder Ina Pockrass presented at the prestigious 2011 State of Green Business Forums throughout the month of ...


Get ready for the Hinman Dental Meeting

ATLANTA: The 2011 Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting — the 99th — will be held 
March 24 to 26 (Thursday through Saturday) at the Georgia World ...


GC America’s MI Paste appears on ‘The Balancing Act’ during Children’s Oral Health Month

GC America announced that its MI Paste was one of the featured products on the Lifetime Network’s daily morning show “The Balancing Act.” ...


Maxillofacial prosthesis: it can happen to anyone

Craniofacial reconstruction has been recorded throughout recorded history. Human beings have found the need to reconstruct missing or defective ...


Dental malpractice prevention

Dental malpractice litigation is on the rise. Now more than ever, dentists need to practice risk management in order to avoid malpractice actions. Accurate ...


Botox could prevent Bruxism

NEW YORK/LONDON: Botox is a protein derived from botulism toxin that is injected underneath the skin in order to minimize or smooth out lines and wrinkles ...


iPad advances digital dentistry

For Dr. Ferencz, the latest technology has always driven quality patient care. As an early iPad adopter, he knew the device could launch a new era in ...


Interview: “Seaweed can be found in many fluoridated toothpastes”

Dentist Dr Val Kolpakov from Michigan has an unusual hobby: He collects toothpaste. His collection is currently recognised as the largest in the world by ...


Oral Health America holds anniversary gala

CHICAGO: Oral Health America held its 21st annual Gala and Benefit at Chicago’s Field Museum on Feb. 23, during the recent Midwinter Meeting. Founded ...


Is rotary NiTi the new paradigm?

Does rotary NiTi deserve the title of a new paradigm? The definition of “paradigm” states that it represents a new fundamental model. In the ...


GPS technology to map bat teeth

Biologists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have “mapped” the topography of bat teeth. The clever use of GPS technology has been ...


America’s Toothfairy celebrates 5th anniversary

CHICAGO: Hundreds of dental industry leaders were on hand during the Midwinter Meeting as National Children’s Oral Health Foundation (NCOHF), known as...


Successful single-visit molar endodontics

It was a great honor to be asked to do a live presentation at the Greater New York Dental Meeting. To perform molar endodontics, in a single visit, in front...


Chicago Dental Society holds 146th Midwinter Meeting

CHICAGO: The Chicago Dental Society’s 146th Midwinter Meeting was held Feb. 24-26 at McCormick Place West in Chicago. The theme for the 2011 event was...


Academy of Osseointegration to meet in D.C.

WASHINGTON, DC: Recognizing implant dentistry’s global reach, the Academy of Osseointegration will introduce an International Symposium to highlight ...


Dentists at risk for hearing loss

NEW YORK CITY: Everyone knows there are certain jobs that carry a risk for loss of hearing. Rock musicians come immediately to mind. So do construction ...
