Dental News - Botox could prevent Bruxism

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Botox could prevent Bruxism

Accordning to David Castillo, Botox could prevend Bruxism, as it weakens muscles in a person’s jaw. (DTI/Photo coutesy of LukaTDB)
Lisa Townshend, DTI

Lisa Townshend, DTI

Wed. 9 March 2011


NEW YORK/LONDON: Botox is a protein derived from botulism toxin that is injected underneath the skin in order to minimize or smooth out lines and wrinkles on the face. According to an expert, Botox could be used to prevent bruxism. Writing for the Grinza International Journal of Wrinkles, David Castillo explained that in severe cases of bruxism the protein can be a successful method in treating the disorder.

Castillo said: “Widely used commercially for cosmetic surgery applications, Botox weakens muscles in a person’s jaw, thus disabling them and preventing motion thatcauses teeth grinding to take place.” As Castillo states, if untreated, teeth grinding can be “extremely harmful” to a person’s overall oral health, and the habit leading to an eventual loss of teeth in the most extreme circumstances.

Even though Botox could be used as a useful treatment to severe bruxism cases, experts recommend
adopting a healthier diet, reducing levels of stress and taking various vitamin supplements, such as magnesium, B5 and calcium to also help. However, the most popular management of bruxism remains to be dental guards or night guards.

Even though the use of a night guard does not prevent bruxism, the patient’s teeth and jaw joints are protected from its detrimental side effects. According to the Bruxism Association, some one in ten people
suffer from excessive teeth grinding, however it is rare that patients receive Botox treatments to help aleviate the grinding action itself.

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