Dental News - Dentcubator poised to hatch promising new dental tech

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Dentcubator poised to hatch promising new dental tech

Dental Tribune International Publisher & Chairman Torsten Oemus, left, Dr L. Stephen Buchanan, Dr Marc L. Nevins, Mark Ferber, Barbro K. Brånemark of the the Brånemark Osseointegration Center in Gothenburg, Sweden, Dr Richard Meissen, Dr Thomas J. McGarry and Dental Tribune China General Manager Huang Huan were among many attendees on hand for the Dentcubator meeting during the Greater New York Dental Meeting. (DTI/Photo Fred Michmershuizen, DTA)
Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Tue. 30 November 2010


NEW YORK CITY, NY, USA: Historically, the very best advances in dental technology have sprung not from geeks in corporate R&D departments but rather from regular dentists working in their practices. That’s perhaps because most dentists are thinkers and tinkerers. They are constantly coming up with innovative ways of improving upon procedures, increasing efficiency or doing something in a manner that hasn’t been tried before.

Until now, one obstacle many dentists-who-would-be-entrepreneurs have encountered, once they have built their better mousetrap, is coming up with the necessary financial and logistical resources to make their vision a reality. That’s where Dentcubator comes in.

Now in its third year, Dentcubator is a group of investors and shareholders from 15 countries and 26 different states. Their goal is to seek out the most promising advances in new dental technology and bring these ideas to fruition.

This is an elite group. Among many others, it counts among its members such notables as Dr William Arnett, Dr Paul Feuerstein, Dr Ron Jackson, Dr Sonia Leziy, Dr Ken Malament, Dr Joerg Strub, Dr Mauro Fradeani, Dr Paul Seid, Dr Bill Dickerson, Dr Hoy Maier, Dr Manfred Pfeiffer, Dr Brahm Miller, Dr Gianluca Gambarini, Dr Marco Martignoni, and Drs Pedro, Leandro and Rogerio Velasco of The Velasco Group in Brazil.

Dentcubator has 10 standing committees that receive proposals and evaluate them. This year alone, Dentcubator fielded 70 proposals. Not only does the organization have the brains, they also have the much-needed financial capital and managerial expertise to bring new products to fruition.

Dentcubator is currently in the prototyping and testing phase for several new products, ranging from a new endodontic file system to advanced periodontal technology, and even new software. A bit further back in the pipeline are a new obturation system, a bur made of a completely new material, and number of biomarkers.

During this year’s Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM), Dentcubator held its third annual meeting. In attendance, among many others, were Dr L. Stephen Buchanan, Dr Marc L. Nevins, Dr John T. McSpadden, Dr Richard Meissen, Dr Lorne Lavine, Dr Thomas J. McGarry and Barbro K. Brånemark of the the Brånemark Osseointegration Center in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Dentcubator members said that New York is a fitting location for the group, given GNYDM’s position as the premier international dental meeting in the United States. The group’s leaders expressed gratitude to organizers of GNYDM for helping spread the word about what it does.

“Dentcubator received an enormous number of submissions this year, thanks to publicity we received through the email blast GNYDM sends to its members,” the chairman of Dentcubator said. “To our delight, we received responses from a number of countries as far away as India, and they said in their submissions that they read about Dentcubator in the GNYDM email blast.”

Dentists who would like to submit proposals to Dentcubator are invited to contact the group at


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