Dental News - 3–D dental imaging meeting to be held in Denver

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3–D dental imaging meeting to be held in Denver

The Sixth International Congress on 3D Dental Imaging will be held Oct. 25-27 in Denver. (DTI/Photo Imaging Sciences International)

Thu. 16 August 2012


DENVER, Colo., USA: The Sixth International Congress on 3D Dental Imaging will be held Oct. 25-27 at the Inverness Hotel & Conference Center. The theme of the meeting, which will offer resources for those who practice in implants, orthodontics, TMJ and airway, OMS and periodontics, is “Moving from 2D to 3D Treatment Planning.”

Attendees will be able to continue their education, network with colleagues and attend several workshops, lectures and demonstrations on 3–D imaging. The event offers the following:

  • A two-day workshop, lectures and demonstrations of real 3–D imaging applications in dentistry.
  • An excellent education opportunity on how to optimize your treatment using 3–D imaging.
  • Networking opportunities with clinicians from around the world
  • A perfect place to meet other i-CAT users to talk about treatment planning and utilization possibilities.
  • 16 continuing education credits.
  • Many industry-leading speakers.
  • Socializing and networking events.
  • See the benefits of the i-CAT and i-CAT Precise first hand at this year’s event.

This year's topics include:

  • Where is 3–D dentistry going?
  • Three-dimensional orthodontics: applications and benefits of using 3–D imaging.
  • 3–D imaging for sleep apnea, TMJ and airway evaluation.
  • 3–D dentistry: Technology integration and future 3D applications.
  • Using cone beam 3–D imaging in the office.
  • Featuring many real-life case examples: Before and after 3–D.
  • Live 3–D scans.
  • Successful reimbursement strategies for billing 3–D scans
  • Tips & tricks for improving your social media results
  • 3–D for periodontal applications.
  • Advances in cone beam 3–D for implants

A customer users' meeting will be held Oct. 25.

(Source: Imaging Sciences International)


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