Dental News - Yankee Dental Congress named state’s top medical show in economic impact

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Yankee Dental Congress named state’s top medical show in economic impact

The Boston skyline with public art in the foreground. A total of $18.8 million was added to the area economy by the 2012 Yankee Dental Congress. (DTI/Photo Tim Grafft/MOTT)

Tue. 16 July 2013


BOSTON, Mass., USA: The Massachusetts Convention Center Authority recently ranked Yankee Dental Congress No. 2 among the top 10 shows having the biggest economic impact on the state. The event ranked as the No. 1 medical show. Based on 2012 figures, the ranking shows the YDC's 27,330 attendees being responsible for 10,024 hotel room nights and a total of $18.8 million in economic impact.

Planning is well under way for the 2014 Yankee Dental Congress, with a similar impact expected. Event organizers invite dental professionals to start planning now to join nearly 28,000 peers at the Boston Convention & Exhibition Center from Jan. 29 through Feb. 2.

Online registration and details on official event housing will become available at noon on Sept. 18 on the Yankee Dental website,

American Dental Association members who attended YDC 2013 (from Jan. 30 to Feb. 3) received a rebate coupon in their registration packet. Attendees were able to redeem those coupons for free registration to Yankee Dental Congress 2014 if they also submitted receipts showing they purchased goods or services totaling $2,500 from the Yankee Dental Congress 2013 exhibitors.

The visual imagery theme for Yankee Dental Congress 2014 is already in place, depicting a street sign showing the intersection of “Oral Health” with “Overall Health.”

Meeting organizers are putting together an extensive schedule of dental continuing education courses and creating a one-stop compilation of the industry's newest products and services in the exhibit hall. Beyond that core, the program is being designed to include many broader health-related topics that are closely linked to oral health, including: systemic health, quality of life, wellness, nutrition and physical fitness.

(Source: Yankee Dental Congress)

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