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Yankee Dental Congress is the place to learn

The Yankee Dental Congress offers attendees an excellent opportunity to learn. (Dental Tribune file photo)
Fred Michmershuizen / DTA

Fred Michmershuizen / DTA

Fri. 1 February 2019


BOSTON, Mass., USA: With its abundance of colleges and universities, there is perhaps no greater city than Boston for expanding one’s knowledge. And with hundreds of continuing education opportunities for dental professionals, the Yankee Dental Congress is carrying on this learned city’s reputation as a center of higher education.

Some of the meetings’ highlights include “Eating Disorders: Food for Thought.” This interprofessional symposium, which was moderated by David Leader, DMD, and Hongsheng Liu, DMD, and featuring panelists Seda Ebrahimi, PhD, John Nosti, DMD, and Kate Sweeney, RD, helped attendees understand how oral health is directly affected by behaviors such as self-induced vomiting, binging and restriction of food.

“The Morning Team Huddle” was presented by Stacy McCauley, MS, RDH. This course, formerly known as “Dental Team Playbook,” used realistic case studies and small group interaction to teach attendees optimum periodontal diagnosis and treatment planning strategies, as well as how to present treatment plans to patients.

“Treating Worn Smiles,” presented by John Nosti, DMD, taught attendees how to diagnose the different causes of occlusal breakdown, attrition, abrasion and erosion. Participants were also taught the goals and components of smile design.

“Maximizing Success with Anterior and Posterior Restorations” covered three different shading and staining techniques to blend with natural dentition. Presenter Kenneth Miller, CDT, MS, also explained strength analysis and material science, reviewed the theory of proper block selection and shade tabs, and more.

“Update on Oral Cancer: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” was also presented. Alessandro Villa, DDS, PhD, MPH, offered a review of the epidemiology, diagnosis and management of oral cancer. He also helped attendees understand the concept of potentially malignant oral lesions.

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