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Three proven ways to improve referral relationships

Roger P. Levin, DDS
Roger P. Levin, DDS

Roger P. Levin, DDS

Mon. 22 November 2010


Successful implant doctors often experience difficulty when a key referring doctor stops referring implants. In fact, the loss of a top referral source can have a devastating impact on a surgical implant practice. To retain top referring doctors and build stronger relationships with your referral bases, I recommend the following:

Use an implant treatment coordinator (ITC)

Hiring a qualified implant treatment coordinator (ITC), or designating an existing staff member to function as an ITC, can significantly improve communication with referring offices, boost customer service and increase implant case acceptance.

The ITC handles most aspects of patient communication, allowing you to spend more time chairside and less time on administrative and marketing duties.

The ITC serves as a liaison between the two practices, keeping everyone involved informed about implant recommendations, patient consultations and treatment status. A well-trained ITC facilitates cooperation between practices and boosts patient acceptance of recommended treatments.

Communicate regularly

The number of patient referrals has a direct correlation to the frequency of direct communication with the restorative dentist.

The more referrals you receive from a specific practice, the more you will be in communication with that doctor and vice versa. However, even for those dentists who only refer a few patients each year, implant doctors should still make a concerted effort to meet several times throughout the year.

Implant doctors need to have regular contact with their referring dentists, whether it’s a bi-weekly phone call, a quarterly meeting or a recurring lunch. Having face-to-face meetings at least several times a year will strengthen relationships with restorative doctors.

By communicating consistently, implant doctors have a better opportunity to develop a higher level of comfort and trust with referring dentists.

Implement a strong referral marketing program

Many implant doctors market inconsistently to their referral base. This is a mistake.

A successful referral marketing program is based on consistent and ongoing contact with referring doctors. The right marketing strategies over the long-term can strengthen relationships with current referring doctors, turn occasional referrers into frequent referrers, brand the practice as an implant leader and lead to increased production and profitability.


Referral relationships will change over time. They can become stronger or they will diminish. Don’t wait until a crisis occurs with a top referring doctor, as many implant doctors have done. Use these three action steps to build quality relationships with your referring doctors.

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About the author

Dr. Roger P. Levin is chairman and chief executive officer of Levin Group, a leading implant practice management firm. Levin Group provides Total Implant Success, the premier comprehensive consulting solution for lifetime success to implant clinicians in the United States and around the world.



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