Dental News - Straumann diversifies its laboratory offerings via scanner offerings, new CAD software and the new advanced fixed bar

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Straumann diversifies its laboratory offerings via scanner offerings, new CAD software and the new advanced fixed bar

(Photo: Straumann)

Mon. 29 December 2015


Straumann recently announced several new offerings to its diverse laboratory portfolio, including in-lab scanners, CAD software and a new hybrid bar design, a prosthesis critical to restoration of edentulous cases. Through its collaboration with Dental Wings, Straumann will be launching a new scanner series in 2015. Until then, Straumann will sell the existing Dental Wings Scanners under the brand name Straumann CARES 3Series and Straumann CARES 7Series, respectively.

In addition to scanner distribution, Straumann announces the availability of CARES Visual 9.0 Software, with a completely redesigned user interface, new order management screens and design tools that feature marked improvements over previous software versions.

“Our partnership with Dental Wings has resulted in a collaboration of software designers and developers that allows us to respond to customer requests and deliver a top-notch design experience for the dental laboratory technician,” said Steve Sheehan, vice president of the laboratory division, Straumann North America.

Within CARES Visual 9.0, one new feature is the Synergy Connection to coDiagnostiX treatment-planning software, which is a step forward for collaborative treatment planning. This connection allows real-time synchronization of the diagnostic crown proposal by the dental technician from CARES Visual and the implant plan by the dentist from coDiagnostiX.

The solution from implant to crown can be visualized and any adjustments for functional and esthetic considerations made jointly prior to implant placement. Dental technicians can design and fabricate a provisional restoration that can be milled at Straumann’s centralized milling facility and delivered at the time of implant placement.

Complementing Straumann’s edentulous solutions portfolio, the Straumann CARES Advanced Fixed Bar — commonly referred to as a hybrid bar — offers a direct connection to implants or to Straumann’s screw-retained abutments and delivers a one-piece solution.

The new bar design has a sandblasted surface to save time with no visible metal and is partially wrapped in acrylic. Settings within the software allow for individual section customization and offer support for mixed implant and abutment-level solutions to align one or more implants to each other.

The advanced fixed bar is an attractive solution for edentulous cases and addresses a previously unmet customer need, according to the company. Dental laboratories may also access the advanced fixed bar via CARES Scan & Shape, a service for laboratory professionals without an in-lab scanner.

Laboratory technicians with Straumann CARES CS2 Scanners and CARES Visual Software can perform a software update to receive CARES Visual 9.0, which includes the synergy connection and advanced fxed bar. Straumann’s team of representatives will continue to support laboratories utilizing the in-lab CS2 System.

These developments, in conjunction with previous collaboration efforts with Dental Wings, underscore Straumann’s commitment to create a leading software platform for digital dentistry.

“The pace at which digital is changing the way dentistry is practiced cannot be underestimated,” Sheehan said. “Laboratories must remain forward-thinking and incorporate those products and services that will position them to service the growing needs of restorative clinicians and their patients as it relates to implant restorations. The new CARES Visual Software and CARES advanced fixed bar offer laboratories a distinct advantage in the digital dentistry realm to restore those implant cases.”

(Source: Straumann)

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