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DENTSPLY Tulsa unveils new ultrasonic irrigation needle

The new ProUltra PiezoFlow ultrasonic irrigation needle from DENTSPLY Tulsa Dental Specialties is designed to deliver superior cleaning power by facilitating the introduction of irrigants into the root canal structure.
Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Wed. 18 November 2009


NEW YORK, NY and TULSA, OK, USA: A new product has been introduced that is designed to improve the success of root canal therapy. Because success depends on effectively cleaned canals, the new product is designed to effectively reach into the root canal structure – including dentinal tubules and isthmuses.

The new ProUltra PiezoFlow ultrasonic irrigation needle, available from DENTSPLY Tulsa Dental Specialties, is designed to deliver superior cleaning power by facilitating the introduction of irrigants into the root canal structure – including dentinal tubules and isthmuses.

According to DENTSPLY Tulsa, the continuous flow of irrigant imparted with ultrasonic energy removes debris and promotes the disruption of biofilms. The result of this advanced irrigation protocol is superior cleaning power, according to the company.

“Research indicates that the addition of one minute of ProUltra PiezoFlow irrigation following hand/rotary instrumentation significantly decreases the chance of a positive bacteria culture when compared to hand/rotary instrumentation and NaOCl alone,” said DENTSPLY Tulsa in a press release announcing the new product. “Conventional irrigation protocols simply can’t compare.”

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