Dental News - HealthyStart, a comprehensive pediatric airway system, offers online training

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HealthyStart, a comprehensive pediatric airway system, offers online training

HealthyStart, a comprehensive pediatric airway system, is announcing new online training. Two free cases are treated simultaneously. Above: CBCT image courtesy of W. Harrell, DMD. (Photo: Provided by HealthyStart)

Fri. 30 August 2019


With HealthyStart, a comprehensive pediatric airway system, you can start young patients on the pathway to better health. You have spent many hours attending classes, understanding the research and possibly treating adult OSA patients, but now you realize that the pediatric patient is the next direction for treatment.

You have questions and hesitancy, but HealthyStart — the innovator of pediatric airway issues — provides the screening tools and the knowledge to identify the underlying root causes, a 3-D treatment incorporating oral appliances with built-in myofunctional therapy.

The HealthyStart system is an A-to-Z solution that begins with a digital education class involving a seven-week series of extension material covering how to identify, evaluate and treat the underlying pediatric issues, but also includes hands-on implementation of two complete cases that will be treated simultaneously.

Before-and-after images (from left) show deficient facial growth and forward facial growth. (Photo: Provided by HealthyStart)


HealthyStart treatment series of appliances. (Photo: Provided by HealthyStart)


CBCT image courtesy of W. Harrell, DMD. (Photo: Provided by HealthyStart)


The HealthyStart digital series takes the quiz work and the initial hesitation out of the equation by providing a comprehensive clinical plan for every patient; collaboration with clinical advisors to assist in every step of the way and compliance monitoring of patient with the HealthyStart App. The Digital Series provides a seven-part series with two free cases that will be treated along side the education videos and study forums.

Each week a video will be emailed on Monday with a Friday study forum conducted by expert providers giving an overview of the weekly material as well as discussing implementation of treatment into your practice, the selection of the two patients that you will treat, how to speak with a parent and patient, dental and medical insurance, treatment planning, etc. The course fee also includes the ability to attend a live course in the destination of your choice along with four staff members.

More information about the HealthyStart System will be available at the ADA FDI World Dental Congress, being held Sept 5-7 in San Francisco, by visiting the company at booth No. 3403, or you can attend an upcoming free medical webinar. Visit to register.

The HealthyStart comprehensive system provides educational materials as well as media exposure for you and your practice in order to inform a practice’s community of the services you provide with the HealthyStart system.


One thought on “HealthyStart, a comprehensive pediatric airway system, offers online training

  1. Dr B Nandlal says:

    nee more information

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