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TAUB Products announces Nash Institute course at Chicago meeting

Ross Nash, DDS, and Debra Engelhardt-Nash from the Nash Institute will present ‘Clinical Techniques and Teamwork’ in Chicago. (Photo: Provided by TAUB Products)

Wed. 17 February 2016


TAUB Products, manufacturer of Zero-G Bio Implant Cement and Liquid Magic, Fusion-Zr Resin Cements and other products, will feature Ross Nash, DDS, and Debra Engelhardt-Nash from the Nash Institute in a live course, titled “Clinical Techniques and Teamwork.” The course will be held at the TAUB Products booth, No. 2209, on Friday, Feb. 26, from 1 to 3 p.m. Admission is free.

“This will give us a great opportunity to showcase Dr. Ross and Debra, one of the foremost teaching couples in dentistry,” said Ed Matthews, TAUB’s vice president of sales. “It will also allow us to introduce all of the fine TAUB products to some new customers.”

The Nash Institute for Dental Learning offers unique training in both the clinical and business aspects of dentistry with expert instructors. TAUB Products is a major sponsor of the Nash Institute, and many TAUB products are used in many of the Nash Institute courses.

Zero-G Bio Implant Cement and Liquid Magic, Fusion-Zr Resin Cements and other TAUB products will be featured in Booth 2209 at the 2016 Chicago Midwinter meeting, to be held Feb. 25-27.

(Source: TAUB Products)

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