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New Legacy angled overdenture abutments expand options

Implant Direct has introduced New Legacy angled overdenture abutments. (DTI/Photo Implant Direct)
Implant Direct

Implant Direct

Tue. 26 October 2010


New Legacy angled overdenture abutments provide unmatched versatility at approximately half the cost of comparable abutments for greater overdenture treatment plan flexibility and case acceptance. Dentists can now choose between 15-degree or 30-degree angled abutments for use with numerous internal-hex implants industry-wide that range in size from 3.3 mm to 6.0 mm diameters.

As another “simply smarter” solution by Implant Direct, the Legacy angled overdenture abutments’ compatibility with nine implants across the Legacy System allows dentists to treatment plan with an assortment of body types and diameters that utilize a single surgical kit. Simplicity is also evident in the abutment design, which enables dentists to easily seat the abutment screw without comprising the integrity of the oral cavity seal — unlike some current market offerings, according to the company.

In addition to screw-retained prostheses, the angled abutment base may be used with the clinician’s preferred overdenture attachment system when combined with a ball top or a GPS abutment top with LOCATOR-compatible profile (sold separately).

The 15-degree and 30-degree angled abutments are available for both 3.5 mm and 4.5 mm platforms. The All-in-One packaging includes an abutment screw, transfer, screw-receiving top and comfort cap along with the abutment base.

Available in a variety of body designs, all Legacy System implants feature the internal bevel/hex platform developed by Dr. Gerald Niznick in 1986 (US Pat. 4,960,381).

The common prosthetic platform enhances treatment-planning flexibility and color coding simplifies implant identification. While the thread design, aggressiveness of self-tapping grooves, packaging and diameter options vary by implant, all Legacy System implants are designed with Implant Direct’s patented micro-threads for increased stability and double-lead threads for faster insertion.

All-in-One packaging ensures each implant includes a cover screw and 2 mm healing collar.

About Implant Direct International

Implant Direct International was founded in 2004 by Dr. Gerald Niznick, who revolutionized the implant industry with his Screw-Vent design. Implant Direct continues that tradition of innovation through its commitment to provide dentists with high-quality implant products at a market-appropriate price. The company releases numerous new product lines and line extensions each year while also continually improving its existing product designs, manufacturing processes and online store. With its unique business model, Implant Direct has quickly become a “simply smarter” choice for any dentist placing implants.




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