Dental News - Linden shares endo expertise with fellow dentists in New York

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Linden shares endo expertise with fellow dentists in New York

Dr Jeffrey Linden discusses endodontic cases during a recent presentation at the Dental Study Club of New York. (DTI/Photo Fred Michmershuizen)
Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Thu. 21 May 2009


NEW YORK, NY, USA: When it comes to stimulating dinner conversation, root canal therapy is not typically considered the most appetizing topic. That is unless the room happens to be filled with dentists who want to be the very best. Add to that a dynamic and entertaining speaker with years of experience in proper materials and methods of achieving predictable success in endodontics — and you have a most memorable evening.

Dr Jeffrey Linden, a New York City-based endodontist, educator and lecturer, presented Revelations in Endodontics: Foundations & Clinical Applications at the Dental Study Club of New York’s dinner meeting in May, held at the Harvard Club. In attendance were 46 dentists, including both specialists and general practitioners.

Dr Linden’s presentation was entertaining as well as educational. Included in his slide presentation were pictures of Marilyn Monroe — who, lecture attendees learned, has a figure quite similar to the often-troublesome apical third of a root. Dr Linden showed attendees how to use rotary instruments to properly clean and shape such shapely anatomy. He also discussed irrigation and obturation techniques.

Made up of about 100 members, the Dental Study Club of New York is an active, thriving group of dental professionals who are dedicated to ongoing education and collaboration. Each monthly meeting features a different topic and speaker.

Dr Jeffrey Linden, left, was welcomed to the Dental Study Club of New York by Dr Steven J. Mondre and Dr Michael Leifert. (DTI/Photo Fred Michmershuizen)
Dr Jeffrey Linden, left, was welcomed to the Dental Study Club of
New York by Dr Steven J. Mondre and Dr Michael Leifert. (DTI/Photo Fred Michmershuizen)

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