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New York dentists collaborating with community groups give free services to metro area veterans

From left: Metro Area Veteran Director Johnnie Williams; Maurice Burton, a veteran; Retired Harlem Globetrotter Bobby Hunter: Commissioner James Hendon of the NYC Department of Veterans Services; Past President of the National Latino Officers Association of America Anthony Miranda; Director of NYC Dentists Give Back Day Dr. Bernard Fialkoff; Metro Area Veteran Director Manuel Rodriguez. (Photo: Provided by Dr. Bernard Fialkoff)

Sun. 15 December 2019


NEW YORK, N.Y., USA: In December, 24 dental offices under the direction of Dr. Bernard Fialkoff and in collaboration with the NYC Mayors Office Department of Veterans’ Services, provided no-charge dental exams and cleanings to veterans across all NYC boroughs and Long Island. They delivered this holiday Hanukkah and Christmas gift to acknowledge our veterans’ selfless dedication to protect the freedoms we all enjoy in the USA.

Fialkoff, a New York City dental implant, periodontal and laser surgeon of 39 years, organized and formed the NYC Dentists Give Back Group at the September meeting of the Fialkoff Dental Study Club.

“As a little 8-year-old Cuban boy in 1962, I was given safety and a new home by the USA,” Fialkoff said. “U.S. veterans risked their lives to safeguard America. But many go without dental care and many are living with pain and suffering from infections caused by the lack of proper dental care.”

Only 8 percent of all US veterans get care from the VA and worse yet, U.S. veterans account for 12 percent of the homeless population in the U.S. Many veterans are unable to receive dental treatment from the Veterans Administration because of strict inclusion criteria.

“I consider it my duty to give back to this great country,” Fialkoff said. “NYC Dentists Give Back Group members sharing in this spirit delivered no charge services at our respective dental offices throughout the Boroughs on Dec. 9.”

Harlem Globetrotter Robert Hunter, Metro Area Veteran Directors Johnnie Williams and Manuel Rodriguez, Veterans Advocate Terri Ham, Queens Chamber of Commerce Business Development Manager Brendan Leavy, Hispanic Dental Association President Dr. Hanette Gomez, Past Presidents of Queens County Dental Society Dr. Robert Trager and Dr. Robert Shpuntoff, Dr. Maria Torres, Dr. Bernard Fialkoff and the entire 24-office NYC Dentist Give Back Group pledged themselves to make Dec. 9 NYC Dentists Holiday Gift Give Back Day, a day to remember. The group has a new Facebook site: “New York City Dentists Give Back Group.”

Commissioner James Hendon of the NYC Department of Veterans’ Services issued a formal Recognition to NYC Dentists Give Back Group, which states, “For your commitment to serving New York City’s vulnerable communities and for donating your professional services to veterans in need. Your contributions will prove fundamental by removing obstacles that prevent veterans from enjoying purposeful lives and securing meaningful careers. The New York City Department of Veterans’ Services commends you for your compassion and for your humanitarian efforts to support the veteran community.”

Fialkoff was valedictorian of the SUNY at Stony Brook Dental School Class of 1980. He trained and graduated from the Memphis Veterans Administration Hospital Periodontal and Implant Surgical Specialty program in Memphis, Tenn., in 1982, is a distinguished honoree of the Pierre Fauchard Academy, as well as a member of the New York State Dental Association Chemical Dependency Committee. He states, “Each New Yorker is very important to the well being of our city. Life is a group effort and the success of any program begins with the individuals in those groups. Any worthwhile activity begins with individuals and then spreads to families, communities, the city and then nationally. As community members, we can feel proud of helping and improving our city. What better way is there to do this, than help to help the very people who fought for our country’s freedom – our own veterans.”

Fialkoff’s practice welcomes new patients. The office dedicates itself to helping patients with periodontal, dental implant and cosmetic laser treatments that regain confidence and healthy smiles. For 39 years, at 56-03 214th Street, Bayside, N.Y., the practice has gained a reputation for honesty, integrity and providing excellent, high quality care in a calm and friendly environment. You can contact the office at (718) 229-3838 or For further information, the office web site and blog is

For those dentists who would like to participate or for those interested in sponsoring these vital community activities, contact,

(Source: Dr. Bernard Fialkoff)

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