Dental News - Infinix: The new composite technology that fights recurrent decay

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Infinix: The new composite technology that fights recurrent decay

Imagine a new composite: A new line of advanced antimicrobial restorative materials promises to last a lifetime. (Illustration: Nobio)
Dental Tribune America

Dental Tribune America

Wed. 16 March 2022


Imagine a composite technology that defends your restorative margins from recurrent decay by killing the bacteria that cause secondary caries on contact. And what if you were able to find a new solution to help you treat those high-risk caries or problem patients?

Now consider if that technology was designed to last for the lifetime of the restoration itself.

What is Infinix?

Infinix, a new line of advanced antimicrobial restorative materials from Nobio, just launched in February in the United States. The Infinix family consists of a universal composite, a flowable composite and a universal bonding system (prime and bond) — all with QASi Antimicrobial technology.

Infinix composites are the first FDA-cleared composites scientifically proven to kill bacteria and reduce demineralization and secondary caries, according to the company.

The science behind Infinix

The antimicrobial technology behind Infinix arises from basic nanomaterial research initiated more than 10 years ago in Israel’s Haddasah School of Dental Medicine.

The antimicrobial activity is provided by proprietary, quaternary-ammonium silica (QASi) particles. These QASi particles electrostatically attract cariogenic pathogens, killing them on contact by shredding the bacteria’s outer membrane.

The covalently bound particles are insoluble, non-leaching and non-releasing. Nothing harmful or toxic interferes with normal healthy flora in the oral cavity, and they are designed to be long lasting, with nothing to be recharged or replenished, according to the company. The QASi particles are incorporated into dental materials and become part of the polymerized restoration upon curing.

Infinix in your hands

“Studies have shown that a traditional composite can only be expected to last about five years on average,” said Dr. John Flucke, practice owner and chief technology editor of Dental Products Report. “Composites have come a long way, but the one thing we continue to battle is recurrent decay.”

Flucke was the first dentist in the United States to use Infinix in his office.

“In terms of handling and esthetics, Infinix measures up very well to leading composites. Based on my hands-on experience, I have walked away very impressed with this material. I think it has the real potential to become a big game changer in dentistry,” Flucke said.

Infinix also provides an excellent solution for those high-risk caries patients within a practice because of xerostomia, diabetes, geriatric, pediatric, high-medicine usage, poor home care, etc., the company asserts.

You can learn more about Nobio’s Infinix products at

(Source: Nobio)

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