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Cosmetic dentistry revenues stable, growth expected in some categories

More than 1,000 people responded to a survey on cosmetic dentistry conducted by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. (DTI/Photo

Tue. 14 February 2012


NEW YORK, NY, USA: Revenues generated from cosmetic dental procedures will likely remain stable, if not increase, in the coming year, according to a recent industry survey by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry. The AACD’s 2011 State of the Cosmetic Industry Dentistry Survey found that while the cosmetic dentistry industry has declined and flattened since a benchmark survey in 2007, respondents strongly believe that they will continue to see increasing revenues from cosmetic procedures into next year.

Respondents indicated that the demand for cosmetic dentistry procedures was primarily driven by referrals from others who had positive experiences. However, compared with the AACD’s earlier survey, there was a 25-point increase in the ranking of “increase in Internet usage by patients” as a factor driving demand for cosmetic dentistry services.

Other findings from the survey:

  • Compared with 2007, the number of male patients increased by seven points. Three-fifths of cosmetic dentistry patients were female (60 percent) and two-fifths were male (40 percent).
  • Close to half of patients (49 percent) on average are between the ages of 31 and 50. The number of patients age 20 and under grew significantly, to 17 percent from only 5 percent in 2007.
  • Among dental practices offering financing, 78 percent of respondents reported that third‐party financing options helped patients get to a “yes” decision.
  • Patients cited “appearance” (97 percent) as their top concern when deciding on a cosmetic dentistry procedure. Other concerns following closely behind include cost and longevity of treatment results.
  • While the smallest in terms of cosmetic procedures performed in the past year, orthodontics showed the largest positive shift (a 10 percent increase compared with data collected in 2007).
  • Veneers have dropped 8 percent since the 2007 study.
  • The majority of respondents (56 percent) expect that revenues from bleaching/teeth whitening procedures (the most popular cosmetic dental treatment) will stay the same in the coming year.
  • Laboratory loyalty increased, as the majority (57 percent) indicated use of two or three labs, while 37 percent used four or more. The average is 3.15 labs, an indication of increased lab loyalty compared with the 2007 average of 3.5 labs used.

A total of 1,068 responses to the e-mailed survey were tabulated, and 76 percents of respondents were American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry members. A PDF showing complete survey results is available through the AACD website, (search for 2011 survey, and find the link in the research area of the media room).



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