Dental News - AAE Board of Directors makes annual donations to ADPAC

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AAE Board of Directors makes annual donations to ADPAC

AAE Board members Garry L. Myers, Margot T. Kusienski, Secretary George T. Goodis and Allan Jacobs make donations to the ADPAC Capital Club during the ADA Annual Session. Each board member donated at least $200 to the dental political action committee. (DTI/Photo AAE)
American Association of Endodontists

American Association of Endodontists

Wed. 19 January 2011


CHICAGO: Continuing its commitment to improving access to care, the Board of Directors of the American Association of Endodontists donated to the American Dental Political Action Committee during the American Dental Association’s Annual Session in Orlando, Fla. Each member of the AAE Board made contributions at the ADPAC booth at the same time and qualify as members of the ADPAC Capital Club by donating a minimum of $200.

“ADPAC not only advocates for our interests as endodontists, but also for improving the health and well being of our patients,” said AAE President Dr. Clara M. Spatafore of Sewickley, Pa. “Regardless of our party affiliations or individual opinions on politics, it is important to support political candidates who share our views on improving access to care.”

ADPAC’s purpose is to fund federal candidates who understand the importance of dentistry and are committed to the nation’s oral health. By contributing to ADPAC, individual dentists have the chance for a significant, collective impact on the political forces that affect their professional lives.

“The participation of the AAE and other dental groups in ADPAC gives us strength in numbers and is a terrific asset when dealing with elected officials. The AAE members’ support of ADPAC is really support for our profession and insures that we will remain the decision makers in our practices and not the government,” said ADPAC co-chair Dr. Dennis J. Zent, an endodontist from Fort Wayne, Ind. “I can assure you that as ADPAC co-chair, the interests of the dental profession will be communicated to our federal legislators and we will be better off because of our efforts. For less than a dollar a day, AAE members can protect our profession and preserve dentistry for ourselves and our patients.”

The AAE strongly encourages all its members to become more active in organized dentistry and their local communities through its Step Up! program.

The program is the catalyst for involving endodontists in leadership and community service. Step Up! participants display a dedication to service and strength of character that builds the public’s and profession’s view of the specialty, and makes a difference in the lives of AAE members, patients and communities.

(Edited by Fred Michmershuizen, DTA)



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