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Your donations are needed

A Chinese laboratorian inside a laboratory environment is dressed in her personal protective equipment, consisting of a disposable full-body covering garment, a facemask and latex gloves. (Photo: Jessie Blount, CDC)

Mon. 30 March 2020


The Greater New York Dental Meeting, along with its co-sponsors, the New York County Dental Society, representing the Dentists of Manhattan, and the Second District Dental Society, representing the Dentists of Brooklyn and Staten Island, have teamed up with the National Dental Association to help support the need for masks, gowns, gloves and any other infection control products you might have in your offices.

Working to assist the New York State Governor's request and the people of New York during this pandemic crisis, all items that you can contribute from your offices can be sent directly to:

Jacob K. Javits Convention Center

Operation Gotham

655 West 34th Street, New York, NY 10001

Attn: New York National Guard Unit

All products can be sent by USPS, UPS and/or FedEx to the center. Full boxes or partial boxes of any items would be greatly appreciated.

If you do not have any products to spare, please consider making a donation by contacting your dental distributor, purchasing whatever products are available and requesting the supplies be shipped directly to the above address.

The governor's office will distribute all items received to the hospitals and healthcare facilities within New York where needed.

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