Threaded, spherical interchangeable attachments have threaded titanium sleeve option

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Threaded, spherical interchangeable attachments have threaded titanium sleeve option

As the digital evolution in dentistry continues, with the new CAD/CAM techniques, the Rhein’83 research laboratories, under the direction of vice president of technology Gianni Storni, have developed a new line of threaded interchangeable attachments.

The various product lines include the Spherical OT cap line, in micro (1.8 mm diameter) and normo (2.5 mm diameter), together with the new Equator Profile, which is the smallest dimensional attachment in the market. These threaded attachments are screwed directly inside the milled bar, mounting on the special 2.2 mm thread.

Or, in cases where the CAD/CAM software produces an overdenture bar without threaded holes, Rhein’83 offers a threaded titanium sleeve that can be cemented into the hole of the bar. The threaded sleeve is glued into the hole that will receive the attachment, which is threaded into place.

To learn about the threaded interchangeable attachments and other Rhein’83 products in more detail and for more-comprehensive presentations on technical applications, email Rhein’83 at, or visit online at, or contact the distributor, American Recovery, by phone at (877) 778-8383 or by email at

About Rhein’83

Rhein’83 was founded in 1983 in Bologna by Ezio Nardi, who was keen on research, specializing in overdentures. Spherical attachments had been on the market for some time, but were made mostly in metal. Rhein developed a series of castable attachments with elastic retention, introducing the first “silicon materials” on mobile prosthesis retention. Within a few years, silicon materials would completely replace metal attachments.

Today Rhein’83 works with many Italian and foreign universities to test the innovations produced by Rhein research and development. Awards include the MIUR certificate and the “Laboratory of Quality and Excellence” from the Ministry of Research and Development of Health.

Research has led to design and production of components for systems such as Sphero Block (normo and micro) and Sphero Flex allowing to correct divergent implant cases up to 46 degrees. Recently the new low-profile OT Equator attachment was developed with a complete system defined four in one, offering titanium abutments for all implant brands, castable solution for natural teeth, a passive bar connection and a complete line of attachments for CAD/CAM applications (available already in the most common dental software world wide).

All products are manufactured in titanium with an additional tin coating bearing the hardness of the surface to more than 1,600 Vikers. The company is also known and recognized for its dentists’ and dental technicians’ reports and its conferences and courses worldwide. Rhein is considered a world-leading producer and distributor of dental attachments, with an active presence and distribution in more than 90 countries.

The company operates in accordance with European product certification (Directive 93/42 CEE) in addition to UNI EN ISO 9001:08 - UNI CEI EN ISO 13485:12. It also has product certifications in many foreign countries, including the United States, Canada, Russia, Israel, Korea, Brazil and others.

