Dental News - Webinar introduces new method for managing anterior extraction socket

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Webinar introduces new method for managing anterior extraction socket

Dr Francisco Marques dos Santos will explain how to limit buccal contour change in anterior extraction sites. (Image: Santos/ DTSC)

Tue. 21 February 2017


LEIPZIG, Germany: The classic literature reports a buccolingual resorption of up to 5 mm after a tooth extraction. Is this figure still valid nowadays or is it possible to achieve a better and predictable result reliably? This question will be answered in a free webinar presented by the Dental Tribune Study Club on Monday, Feb., 27.

The clinical techniques described in this presentation by speaker Dr. Francisco Marques dos Santos enable practitioners to achieve predictable esthetic success using a method that limits the amount of buccal contour change of the extraction site ridge and potentially enhances the thickness of the periimplant soft tissue coronal to the implant–abutment interface.

Santos graduated from the dental school at the Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz in Lisbon, Portugal. He then worked as a general dentist with a special interest in fixed prosthodontics and completed various postgraduate courses in fixed prosthodontics and CAD/CAM systems, implant dentistry, advanced bone grafting techniques, esthetic and functional rehabilitation, and vertical bone augmentation. He runs his own private practice in London, UK, focusing on oral rehabilitation.

The webinar, titled “Management of the anterior extraction socket: Is it possible to talk about a predictable outcome?”, is free of charge and will be broadcast online on Monday, Feb., 27 from 1.30 p.m. (EST). Participants will be able to ask questions via a chat window and have the opportunity to earn a continuing education credit by completing a multiple-choice questionnaire on the topic discussed.

Registration is now open on the DT Study Club website.

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