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Vibraject: The multiple-use dental needle accessory for endodontic procedures

The VibraJect multiple-use Dental Needle Accessory can be used for endodontic irrigation. (DTI/Photo ITL Dental)
ITL Dental

ITL Dental

Thu. 7 October 2010


The VibraJect multiple-use Dental Needle Accessory is unique in that it can be effectively utilized for endodontic irrigation by merely attaching it to the various irrigation syringes used. Sonic vibration is the practice of using sound to remove foreign materials from an object. Its effectiveness stems from the fact that all sound is the product of vibration.

When vibration is directed towards an object, it has the ability to dislodge materials from the object. This procedure has been used to clean teeth for a number of years.

Endodontic irrigation benefits from sonic vibration. Studies have shown that the root canal surface treated with NaOCl and a chelating agent such as EDTA, with sonic vibration, loosens the coherence of the smear layer and becomes thinner with more opened tubule orifices. Studies have concluded more smear layer removal and open tubules using sonic vibration with the solutions, than without sonic vibration.

Using only NaOCL has been shown in studies as to not remove the smear layer. Removal of the smear layer and the opening of the tubules provide a potentially tighter adaptation between the obturation materials and the dentin walls of the preparation.

Sonic vibration needs a frequency of 100-200Hz. This is the equivalent of 6000-12000 revolutions per minute. VibraJect is a device that attaches to your current irrigation syringe and creates a needle frequency of 180Hz. There are no special parts needed and VibraJect does not require the additional purchase of disposable parts, which can add an additional $1-2 cost to the procedure.

It has also been reported that there is no performance difference between using sonic vibration and ultrasonic. The smear layer removal is basically the same.

Another advantage of sonic vibration is the removal of entrapped air and bubbles inside the root canal due to interactions between the irrigating solutions with the dentin cavity walls. Additionally, residual canal gases that cause postoperative pain can be reduced as well.

All in one vibrating syringes are available on the market for around $800, plus the cost of additional disposable parts. However, VibraJect users need to purchase nothing to achieve the advantages of sonic vibration. For non- VibraJect users, VibraJect can be purchased for about $350.

More information is available from ITL Dental.




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