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Sirona introduces latest inLab 3-D software upgrade V3.80

Multiple design modes provide more possibilities for inLab users. (DTI/Photo Sirona)
Sirona Dental Systems

Sirona Dental Systems

Mon. 18 October 2010


Sirona Dental Systems, the company that pioneered digital dentistry 25 years ago and a world-leading producer of dental CAD/CAM systems, recently introduced the latest inLab 3D software upgrade: V3.80. inLab V3.80 has been enhanced with powerful, straightforward tools and a simple, predictable workflow.

Developed specifically for the inLab system, the new V3.80 incorporates the advanced features and benefits of Sirona’s Biogeneric software technology, which is the only dental CAD/CAM software to automatically design a custom, “true-to-life” restoration based on individual patient morphology rather than a pre-existing tooth model in a dental database.

In effect, Biogeneric software takes the patient’s intact tooth structure into account and identifies the exact morphology of the missing structure necessary to bring the tooth back to its normal, uncompromised state, and enables inLab users to produce esthetically pleasing crowns, veneers, inlays, onlays and anatomically sized bridges.

For the first time, dental technicians are able to produce anatomically sized permanent bridges relying solely on CAD/CAM technology. For example, in the new multi-layer design mode, the user begins by designing an anatomically sized bridge. This design is then automatically separated into two components: the framework core and the facing.

Allowance is automatically configured for the minimum wall thicknesses of the materials.

In addition, the software ensures that the two components fit together perfectly (i.e., without undercuts) after milling and sintering have been carried out.

Some of the other standout features of the new software V3.80 include but are not limited to:

  • Biogeneric crowns — Now all occlusions (inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges and veneers) are generated with Sirona’s patented Biogeneric software, which means less design time
  • Buccal bite registration — The software can now register preparation and antagonist models together with the aid of just a few images from the buccal aspect. Simply hold the two models in centric and acquire a few images to register the models together, eliminating the need for bite registration material
  • Thin veneers — The minimum thickness for veneers is now reduced to 300 µm (restorations required to be machined on inLab MC XL milling unit only)
  • Optimized Correlation Design mode — Software generates morphologically plausible reconstructions of intricate areas that cannot be copied by digital scans
  • New materials support — VITA RealLife Blocks (MC XL only) for esthetic anterior restorations and Ivoclar-Vivadent’s Telio-CAD temporary bridge material
  • inEos Blue Integration — All inEos® Blue V3.70 software functions are fully integrated into V3.80, enabling inLab users to conveniently and efficiently control the scanner directly via the upgraded software

“V3.80 is a major software upgrade, not an update,” said Jonathan Hill, marketing manager, CAD/CAM lab applications. “Now more than ever, inLab’s made-to-measure Biogeneric restorations are simpler, quicker and far more precise than the ‘off-the-rack’ equivalents of other CAD/CAM technologies.”

More information is available from Sirona - The Dental Company or Patterson Dental Supply.




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