Dental News - Partner with your patients by using the Virtual Practice Platform

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Partner with your patients by using the Virtual Practice Platform

Photo: Provided by DentalMonitoring

Wed. 20 July 2022


DentalMonitoring, an industry-leading company that helped pioneer the field of intelligent orthodontics, has launched the Virtual Practice Platform for a comprehensive, life-long patient experience.

The Virtual Practice Platform is designed for doctors and patients to partner along the entire treatment journey through a suite of intelligent workflows and tools. By using the platform, doctors will be able to identify, engage, qualify and convert leads; optimize treatment; and monitor patients, as well as benefit from opportunities for new revenue streams.

DentalMonitoring is launching the Virtual Practice Platform as the increasing need for remote and intelligent care in the dental industry meets growing patient expectations. Through the platform, the company aims to spearhead widespread transformation for practices who seek to benefit from data management, streamlined communication and operational efficiency all under one workflow.

Doctors will be able to safely address a variety of orthodontic patient cases and optimize operations, from chair time and lead engagement to post-treatment monetization.

“Through AI-powered clinical analysis, this platform also allows dental health professionals to monitor everything from hygiene, oral health and retention to critical tooth movements in braces and aligners treatments,” says Alexandra Van der Stap, chief growth officer of the DM Labs.

“The Virtual Practice Platform transforms care by allowing for lifetime patient engagement as well as practice optimization.” says Philippe Salah, CEO of DentalMonitoring. “This innovation is a testament to our forward-thinking mindset led by an incredible team that I’m extremely proud of.”

Because of a large database of dental images, DentalMonitoring has developed one of the most advanced and comprehensive doctor-driven AI solutions to help dental professionals provide superior care and a better patient experience.

To learn more about DentalMonitoring, go online to


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