Dental News - My journey as a dental hygienist

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My journey as a dental hygienist

Kareen Wilson, RDH, is a Crest Oral-B Pros in the Profession Winner. (Photo: Crest Oral-B)
Kareen Wilson, USA

Kareen Wilson, USA

Tue. 26 November 2013


We all live to be an inspiration to others. At my alma mater, Loma Linda University, there is a statue in front of the dental school that carries the inscription, “To make man whole.” That statue and inscription was there to remind us that it is our duty to inspire and make our patients whole. It can be your children, spouse, loved one or people around you that you want to influence and change their life for the better. As a hygienist, I know that I inspire my patients to live healthy and happy lives.

Through clinical education, I make sure that my patients have all the knowledge to create their happiness through a beautiful and healthy smile. I also strive to use my physical skills to bring joy and relief from discomfort by improving their oral health. The hygienist is usually the social life line of a dental practice, and we tend to bridge the gap between dentist and patient. It is great to be able to interact and build meaningful relationships with my patients. My experience as a hygienist for the past 17 years has been wonderful. I have seen children grow and lose primary teeth, go through orthodontic treatment, and then go off to college. I have helped patients lose weight through sharing and giving health tips. Many of my patients have come from a mouth full of decay and periodontal disease to healthy, beautiful smiles. But most of all, our patients actually like coming to see us at our office because they know they will be accepted and appreciated.

Through mission work in Haiti, I am able to touch the lives of many people who would never have access to dental care. In the country of Haiti, there is one dentist for every 90,000 residents. There are very few if any dental hygienists in the whole country, and 95 percent of all dental professionals in the country practice in the capitol of Port-au- Prince. The joy of providing treatment and fluoride to patients in this desperate country is indescribable. The patients in Haiti are so grateful for the dental care. When our nonprofit organization, Bethesda Medical Mission, visits Haiti, we also bring dental supplies like toothbrushes and toothpaste to be distributed to all the patients who visit the clinic. We bring books, toys and games for the children to enjoy. I also believe that I am an inspiration to the children in Haiti by giving them hope for a better life.

Through classroom education I am able to instruct students on nutrition, oral and overall health. I have been using the Esther Wilkins children education program to go to preschools and grade schools to educate the children on dental health. You would be surprised to know what children think and know about dental health! The program is presented in a fun and exciting way, so the children are excited about taking care of their oral health.

The profession of dental hygienist has progressed over the years. There are so many hygienists who are doing amazing things in the workforce, including philanthropy, education and making a difference with each and every patient. Through the Pros in the Profession Award program, Crest Oral-B continues to recognize hygienists who go above and beyond the call of duty.

I was so blessed to have been chosen as a Pros in the Profession Award Recipient in 2011. It allowed me to be confident in my career. This award also opened doors to using my expertise in education and advocacy. I have been asked to sit on the board of the Connecticut Oral Health Initiative, which is a nonprofit advocacy organization in the state of Connecticut that is dedicated to promoting oral health. I have been asked to join the Connecticut Dental Hygiene Association board to help strengthen hygiene membership to the association. I have been able to meet some extraordinary people and have had the opportunity to be a dental professional spokesperson on a popular day-time television show.

Most importantly, this award has reinforced in my heart and soul why I wanted to become a registered dental hygienist. I wanted to touch people’s lives. I wanted to motivate and inspire people. That is what the Pros in the Profession is all about! The goal of the Pros in the Profession award is to honor those who inspire us. I do hope that I have inspired others to be awesome at whatever they strive to make their life mission, and I thank Crest Oral-B for the opportunity to represent their idea of an outstanding hygienist.

Note: This article was published in Hygiene Tribune U.S. Edition, Vol. 6, No. 7, October 2013 issue. For rules, regulations and nomination details for the 2014 Pros in the Profession Awards, visit

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