Dental News - Making things happen from up in the cloud

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Making things happen from up in the cloud

From left: Genevieve Poppe, Debra Engelhardt-Nash, Terri Benish, RDH, and Andy Jensen at Curve Dental’s breakfast Friday morning. Poppe and Benish run a five-office practice in Wisconsin using Curve Dental’s cloud-based dental software. (Photo: Fred Michmershuizen, DTA)
Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Fri. 21 February 2014


CHICAGO, Ill., USA: The folks from web-based dental software provider Curve Dental held a breakfast during the Midwinter Meeting for its VIP customers, admirers and members of the press. Fittingly, the event was held up on the 29th floor — so attendees could literally look down on the Chicago skyline from up in the cloud.

Those in attendance said they like Curve’s cloud-based practice management software because of the freedom and versatility it offers, a point underscored by the always affable Andy Jensen, chief marketing officer of Curve, who mentioned the recent weather emergency that crippled Atlanta.

“That’s an unexpected reduction in production, and the only way you can get that production back is get on the phone as quickly as possible and reschedule all those patients who couldn’t come to the practice,” Jensen said. “If your practice is on the cloud, you can start making those phone calls from home, or even your office manager can pick it up and start making calls from home, and have all those appointments rescheduled before the day is even over with.”

It’s one of the many advantages to being on the cloud, Jensen said.

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