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Let patients test-drive their new smiles

PreNew PreView is a new technology that lets your patients “test-drive” their new smile in person. (DTI/Photo Jason J. Kim Dental Aesthetics)

Wed. 11 January 2012


The decision to pursue ceramic dental restorations is a major one for most patients. There may be a concern that the results will turn out to be different from what the patient imagined — or perhaps the patient simply cannot picture the vast improvement to appearance that a well-designed dental restoration can create.

Think how much more confident patients would be if they experienced their new smiles before they decided to proceed with the actual restoration process. That experience is now available with PreNew PreView, an innovative new technology that lets your patients “test-drive” their new smile in person.

Built from a simple study model, PreNew PreView is a smile preview that fits over a patient’s existing teeth to show them just how great they are going to look. Before Pre New PreView, dentists had to rely on digitially manipulated before-and-after photos. Today, dentists have PreNew PreView, which can create a realistic image of what a patient’s new smile will look like once their final dental restoration is complete.

The pioneer of this technology is Master Ceramist Jason J. Kim, who is recognized worldwide as a leader in the field of esthetic dental restoration and is the founder of Jason J. Kim Dental Aesthetics.

How does PreNew PreView work?

PreNew PreView is a simple, two-step process.

  • Step one: During the patient’s first visit to the dentist, a study model is taken, along with two photos (smile with lips and full-facial smile). These are sent to the lab at Jason Kim Dental Aesthetics.
  • Step two: During the second visit, the dentist applies the new look over the patient’s existing teeth. There’s no drilling and no pain. The patient will get to experience a realistic preview of their new smile.

This first-hand look boosts the patient’s confidence about the dental restoration process and adds certainty to his or her decision to proceed. PreNew PreView is a unique way to intrigue and captivate current and potential clients who may be considering dental restorations and a marketing tool that provides dentists with an exclusive platform from which to increase revenue.

(Source: Jason J. Kim Dental Aesthetics)


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