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IFED to hold 6th World Congress in Las Vegas

The Bellagio Resort on the Las Vegas Strip is the location for the 6th World Congress of the International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED).
Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Mon. 18 May 2009


LAS VEGAS, NV, USA: The International Federation of Esthetic Dentistry (IFED), an international consortium of 30 aesthetic dental organizations including the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry (AAED) and the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, among many others, will hold its 6th World Congress 2–5 August at the Bellagio Resort.

According to meeting organizers, the event will be the premier aesthetic dental meeting of the year. More than 40 world-renowned speakers — including Dr Frank Spear, Dr Dennis Tarnow, Dr Galip Gurel, Dr John Kois and many others — will share their expertise. A total of 18.5 hours of continuing education credit are available.

The meeting, titled Passion, Esthetics and New Technology: The Future of Dentistry, is chaired by Dr Vincent Kokich Sr., with a scientific programme developed by Dr Baldwin Marchack and a Las Vegas infusion by Dr Ronald Goldstein. The programme is designed to appeal to the broad spectrum of dental aesthetics, including prosthodontics, periodontics, endodontics and general dentistry.

“I am very proud of this scientific programme,” said Dr Kokich. “First of all, it will feature experts from all over the world in the area of esthetics. Second, the topics are divided into various categories, including Controversies, Point/Counterpoint, State of the Art, Panel Discussion, Interdisciplinary Esthetics, as well as extensive clinical documentation of the wonderful treatments that dentists and specialists from many different disciplines can offer in order to enhance dentofacial aesthetics. Since the lecturers will only have from 20 to 30 minutes to present their material, the programme will be very lively and will cover a broad range of topics.”

The meeting is also designed to appeal to an international audience, according to Dr Kokich. “Attendees from different countries will see a compilation of speakers that have never been assembled together previously on one stage,” he said. “There will be speakers from many different countries as well as the United States to entertain and educate the audience.”

A trade show featuring more than 100 global dental companies will also take place in conjunction with the biennial meeting.

A full listing of speakers, presentations and registration options can be found at Additional information is available from the AAED by phone at +1 312 981 6770. Early bird registration discounts apply through 5 June.

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