Dental News - ICOI and its German affiliates to celebrate World Congress in Berlin

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ICOI and its German affiliates to celebrate World Congress in Berlin

Berlin will be the site of the ICOI’s World Congress XXXII. (Photo: Klaus Stenzel,
Craig Johnson, ICOI Executive Director

Craig Johnson, ICOI Executive Director

Wed. 12 August 2015


The International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI), its component society, the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Orale Implantologie (DGOI), and German affiliate, Bundesverband der Implantologish Tatigen Zahnarzte in Europa E.V (BDIZ EDI), will join hands as they present ICOI’s World Congress XXXII in the capital of Germany, Berlin. The dates for this World Congress will be Oct. 15-17.

The venue for the meeting will be the Maritim Hotel Berlin. The theme for this congress will be “Evidence-Based Innovations in Oral Implantology.”

True to the title of World Congress, the faculty will bring together clinicians and academicians from around the world as they present the latest in dental implantology on topics such as soft-tissue applications around implants, growth factors in surgical healing, treatment of periimplantitis, digital communication skills for minimally invasive surgery and much more.

On Thursday morning, Oct. 15, the congress will begin with a four-hour “Young Implantologists” program. Delegates to this congress will want to take advantage of what is new on the horizon as presented by “up and coming” implantologists Roberta Gasparro (Italy), Teruaki Homma (Japan), Elisa Choukroun (France), Filipa Braga (Portugal), Paolo Nuzzolo (Italy), Daniel Grubeanu (Germany), Giuseppe Pantaleo (Italy), Nicolaos Mallios (Greece), Tom Giblin (Australia), Gil Asafrana (Israel) and Thilo Damaskos (Germany).

The afternoon will be filled by several no-charge pre-congress courses given by our sponsors. Following these educational opportunities will be a welcome reception in the exhibit hall.

Then Friday and Saturday, Oct. 16 and 17, will feature ICOI’s main podium speakers: Drs. Ata Anil (Turkey), Joseph Choukroun (France), Mariusz Duda (Poland), Galip Gurel (Turkey), Fouad Khoury (Germany), Richard Leesungbok (South Korea), Pascal Marquardt (Germany), Jaafar Mouhyi (Morocco), Ady Palti (Germany), Yvan Poitras (Canada), Eric Rompen (Belgium), Ilia Roussou (Greece), Gerard Scortecci (France), Ralf Smeets (Germany), Paolo Trisi (Italy) and Konstantinos Valavanis (Greece).

A social highlight for the congress will be the Gala Dinner to be held on Friday evening at the beautiful Restaurant Maritim. The gala will immediately follow the presentation of ICOI’s awards ceremony and promises to be a night to remember. The food and drink will be complemented by a rousing band brought in from Baden Baden that will entertain the guests as they dance into the night.

Berlin is not only the capital of Germany but also its cultural center, famous now for its museums, its philharmonic orchestra, multiple opera companies, modern architecture and captivating nightlife. Visitors to the new Berlin can also see reminders of the city’s 20th century history, including the Holocaust memorial and the Berlin Wall memorial and the Brandenburg Gate, a symbol of Berlin’s unification. Plan to visit Germany with ICOI at this perfect time of year: autumn in Berlin.

For more information and to register for this World Congress, please visit the ICOI website,

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