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FOLA and Greater New York Dental Meeting strengthen partnership

Lauro Medrano, Jacqueline Rodríguez, Franklin Martínez, Norberto Lubiana, Robert Edwab, Nora Chaves, Adolfo Rodríguez and Roberto Vianna with other presidents of Latin American national dental associations at the 2008 Greater New York Dental Meeting.
Javier Martinez de Pison, DT Latin America

Javier Martinez de Pison, DT Latin America

Thu. 16 April 2009


NEW YORK, NY, USA: Dr Adolfo Rodriguez, president of the Latin American Dental Federation (FOLA), reached an agreement to further increase the amount of Spanish-language conferences at the upcoming 2009 Greater New York Dental Meeting (GNYDM), the largest dental expo and scientific congress in the United States.

In addition, Dr Rodriguez said that FOLA will hold for the first time its annual congress at the GNYDM in November, which is attended by the presidents of all national dental associations in Latin America, as well as hundreds of colleagues from the region interested in the wide variety of products, conferences and workshops GNYDM offers.

FOLA, which groups the national dental associations of Latin America and is part of FDI World Dental Federation, has undertaken ambitious policies to highlight the region. Its greatest achievement so far was the election of Dr Roberto Vianna from Brazil as FDI president, a position he will assume in September at the FDI Annual World Dental Congress in Singapore.

The Federation is currently focusing in offering educational and professional opportunities to dentists in the region, as well as designing public health policies for the Latin American population.

Innovations at GNYDM

Over 55,000 professionals attended the 2008 GNYDM, including 700 Hispanic and Latin American dentists, who came for the continuous innovations made by Dr Robert Edwab, its executive director.

At the center of the expo was the Live Dentistry Arena, a large theater offering surgical procedures live, which was packed for three days. Large monitors allowed visitors to follow from afar the procedures by Larry Rosenthal, Ron Bulard, Douglas Terry and Richard Mounce.

The high quality of scientific conferences, workshops, and the wide range of commercial products available was complemented by the first Invisalingn workshops.

Among the lecturers were renowned figures such as Stanley Malamed, Joseph Massad, Robert Edwab, Leonard Linkow, Margherita Santoro, Spyridon Condos, Peter Theodorou, Gary Goldstein, Anthony Mangazini or Gerard Kugel.

Latinos in New York

FOLA, which the help of institutions such as the Puerto Rican Dental Association USA, the Hispanic Dental Association, and the Dominican Dental Association USA, has opened the door for Latin American scientists and scholars to speak at this important forum.

Among the Latin American institutions that participated in the GNYDM were the University of Puerto Rico, the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, Universidad Iberoamericana and Universidad Henríquez Ureña, from Dominican Republic, the University of Guadalajara of Mexico and ULACIT from Costa Rica. A poster contest was won by a Dominican and a Costa Rican student.

FOLA invites all Latin American dentists to attend the upcoming Greater New York Dental Meeting, to be held 27 November to 2 December 2009.



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