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Florida meeting focuses on treatment planning, more

The Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando, Fla., will host the upcoming Florida National Dental Convention. (Photo: Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center)

Tue. 6 May 2014


NEW YORK, N.Y., USA: The Florida National Dental Convention, hosted by the Florida Dental Association, will take place June 12 to 14 at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. This year’s scientific program — “Creating a Masterpiece!” — offers more than 93 lectures and 30 workshops, as well as three mini-residencies/mastery series.

Because developing a sound comprehensive treatment plan is the cornerstone of a successful dental practice, this year’s FNDC continuing education program focuses on that and other aspects of clinical excellence and office concepts to help the entire dental team.

The meeting offers educational opportunities for the entire dental team — hygienists, lab technicians, dental assistants and administrative personnel.

The keynote speakers this year are Dr. Irwin Becker, Kirk Berhendt and Kelli Vrla. The variety of topics include “Ceramic Treatment Options,” “Three-Appointment Dentures,” “Your Online Checkup” and “A Women’s Guide to Health.”

In addition, the meeting offers a selection of team courses and a business mastery series designed to improve overall practice management, regardless of current challenges or success.

The meeting’s “live dentistry” courses will provide first-hand knowledge of innovative, proven clinical techniques. And workshops will provide tools you can immediately put to use the day you’re back at work following the meeting.

Included in the speaker lineup is Dr. Samuel Low sharing his expertise with “The New Periodontal Disease: Inflammatory and Risky.” Dr. Nader Sharifi will present “Anything but the Denture” as a lecture and workshop. And Dr. Gerard Kugel presents a the lecture/workshop combination, “The Do’s and Don’ts of Porcelain laminate Veneers.”

The meeting makes a point of keeping the cost of the C.E. programs as affordable as possible; and all are designed to directly improve both clinical knowledge — and a practice’s bottom line.

More than 250 exhibitors will be in the exhibit hall, which will be open from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Thursday and Friday, and from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Saturday.

New this year, attendees will be able to schedule one-on-one sessions prior to the meeting with specific exhibitors. Appointments can range from 10 to 15 minutes. Attendees who complete six or more appointments during the three days will be entered to win one of five $200 American Express gift cards.

The FNDC also will host a number of evening social events. Thursday will feature a performance of “Karaoke Live” with you and your team as the entertainment. “Fan Frenzy” will be on Friday, giving you the chance to show your team spirit at an ultimate tailgate with activities for the entire family.

The social activities are capped off on Saturday with an evening at Epcot.

For more information about the convention, you can call (850) 681-3629, email, or visit online at

(Source: Florida Dental Association)

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