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Florida dental meeting focuses on career and life balance

The Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando, Fla., will host the Florida Dental Convention in June. (Photo: Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center)

Wed. 1 April 2015


NEW YORK, N.Y., USA: The Florida Dental Association will hold its annual meeting, the Florida Dental Convention (formerly the Florida National Dental Convention — FNDC), at the Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center in Orlando from June 11-13. (Unlike years past, for a change this year’s event does not fall on Father’s Day weekend.)

This year’s scientific program, “Dentistry Beyond the Tooth — Career & Life in Balance,” features a broad spectrum of topics, ranging from “Balancing the Occlusion” to “Creating a Balance in Life.” With more than 100 lectures, 33 workshops and three mini-residencies, there is likely to be a course for everyone on the dental team.

The convention program experience is designed to touch on each of the following elements: healthy practice, healthy mouth, healthy mind, healthy body and healthy life. Each day begins with a “High Energy — High Impact” motivational speaker, with a topic oriented toward the entire team. These dynamic, kick-off speakers were specifically selected for their demonstrated ability to move and inspire audiences.

Dr. Uchi Odiatu will set the tone with his opening keynote session on Thursday, “Living Your Dreams.” As a general dentist, motivational speaker, lifestyle coach, TV personality, wellness author, certified trainer, lecturer, nutritionist and athlete, Odiatu is known for his inspiring and thought-provoking presentations.

On Friday, the meeting will welcome Dave Weber with “Conquering Your Goliaths.” Weber’s fun, high-energy and entertaining style has made him one of the nation’s most sought after speakers. He is a crowd pleaser. He’s known for his ability to motivate, challenge and inspire his audiences.

Morris Morrison will be the finale keynote speaker, presenting “Lead-ur-ship Starts With You.” Morris has a unique motivational style that enables him to connect with his audience in a personal and inspirational way. He is sought after by Fortune 500 companies and major sports organizations, including the NBA.

The 2015 scientific program will feature nationally renowned speakers, including Gary Dewood, Lee Ann Brady, Charles Blair, Lois Banta, Sam Low, David Little and Harold Crossley. Clinical courses and workshops are designed to equip you and your team with the tools necessary to incorporate new and emerging technology and techniques to optimize clinical skills business growth and team building. Hot topics include: componeers, one-step dentures, sleep dentistry, head and neck dissection, cone-beam anatomy, HPV and biofilm control and prevention.

Meeting organizers invite you to join your colleagues for the high-value C.E. sessions, many of which are available at no extra cost.

New this year will be special courses geared toward the new dentist. Also, as a tribute to the industry’s hard-working hygienists, the meeting will offer a “free” C.E. course on Saturday, designed specifically for the practice of dental hygiene. In addition, attendees can consider one of the one-hour, “hot topic” sessions.

Meeting organizers invite you to come for the C.E. and stay for the fun. The nightly parties are designed to be family friendly and include a “magical” night out at Disney’s Magic Kingdom on Saturday.

More information is available at www.floridadental or by calling (800) 877-9922.

(Source: Florida Dental Association)


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