Dental News - Crest Oral-B to release ‘smart’ toothbrush

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Crest Oral-B to release ‘smart’ toothbrush

Sarita Arteaga, DMD, MAGD, addresses ADA attendees at ‘The Technology Changing Dentistry Reception’ during the ADA meeting, providing details about a new ‘smart’ toothbrush and app from Crest Oral-B. (Photo: Robert Selleck, DTA)
Robert Selleck, DTA

Robert Selleck, DTA

Tue. 14 October 2014


SAN ANTONIO, Texas, USA: About 500 ADA 2014 attendees accepted an open invitation from Crest Oral-B to attend “The Technology Changing Dentistry Reception.” After enjoying drinks and appetizers in the Lila Cockrell Theatre at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center, attendees listened to presentation from experts connected to two products from by Crest Oral-B, one just recently made available and another that will launch in January.

Sarita Arteaga, DMD, MAGD, associate clinical professor at the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine and former president of the Hispanic Dental Association Foundation, shared information about two-way Bluetooth wireless toothbrush technology Crest Oral-B is launching in January. Noting the growing prevalence of smartphone apps for fitness and general health, she said the toothbrush essentially links a toothbrush to a smartphone with an oral-health app.

It will be possible for users to also share resulting oral-health information with their dental provider, enabling professional monitoring of such areas as brushing time, pressure and other details to help people improve their oral health.

Paul Sagel, Procter & Gamble research fellow and inventor of Crest Whitestrips, spoke about the sensitivity treatment product the company released three weeks ago, Crest Sensi-Stop Strips. The sensitivity relief strips are designed to provide immediate relieve to people suffering sensitivity to cold, heat acids or sweets — providing relief for up to a month.

“We have some very exciting innovations that are just now coming on the market or coming to market in the near future,” said Dave Shull, Procter & Gamble associate director. “And we thought this would be a great forum to be able to share new technology with members of ADA.”

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