Dental News - CDA meeting in San Francisco: Making connections that count

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CDA meeting in San Francisco: Making connections that count

The ProMax3DMid ProFace scanner on display in the Planmeca Imaging booth at CDA Presents the Art and Science of Dentistry in San Francisco. (Photo: Robert Selleck, DTA)
Robert Selleck, DTA

Robert Selleck, DTA

Fri. 9 September 2016


SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., USA: At a conference designed to a large extent to help dental professionals forge connections, it’s no surprise that many of the products and services on display are focused on helping those same professionals better connect with their patients, staff, communities and profession. Every aisle in the exhibit hall at the CDA Presents the Art and Science of Dentistry is filled with such opportunities.

Henry Schein gets straight to the point in its Practice Management Solutions booth, where it prominently features its Dentrix Connected program, designed to seamlessly integrate virtually all of a dental practice’s technology without frustration. You can learn more in the booth and see real-world examples with several of the “Connected” partners that Dentrix is highlighting at this meeting.

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Many of the strategies for improving patient connections are based on improving comfort. That fittingly describes the offering from Anutra Medical. The company’s local anesthetic delivery system is designed to make buffering anesthetics simple, to reduce patient discomfort and increase practice efficiencies. By loading an Anutra cassette at the beginning of the week, clinicians can simply buffer anesthetic for every patient by twisting the knob on the Anutra dispenser. Plus, the FDA-approved, multidose, one-handed aspiration syringe is fully disposable.

RGP Dental is here to keep you connected to ideal ergonomics throughout your workday and, in turn, able to enjoy a long, healthy career. Find the company’s selection of stools designed specifically for the tasks of dentistry at its booth. is already connecting 11,000 dentists with prospective patients online. The company specializes in search-return ads that appear above the top returns on all of the major search engines. So when somebody is searching on Google, Bing, Yahoo (or any of more than 100 other major search engines) for a dentists or dental specialist in your geographic area, you can make sure your office will be prominently displayed.

The potential connections are everywhere in the exhibit hall at CDA Presents. And there’s plenty more time to discover opportunities you didn’t even realize were out there.

Educational offerings

It isn’t just browsing and buying in the exhibit hall. There are also plenty of opportunities for simply learning and expanding awareness, anchored by The Spot, which attracted strong attendance at its hour-long C.E. presentations throughout the day Thursdy.

The crowd was overflowing for “Secrets of Case Acceptance,” presented by Marcela Truxal. Other sessions also kept the seats filled, including “Using Small Claims Court to Resolve Payment Disputes.”

The sessions continued with seven more sessions on Friday, covering topics such as “Managing Patient Conflicts, “Connecting with Your Community — The Hidden Marketing Strategy” and “Ask the Expert — HIPAA Compliance Essentials. More sessions were scheduled at The Spot for Saturday.

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