Dental News - Burbank Dental Laboratory offers Patient Education Model

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Burbank Dental Laboratory offers Patient Education Model

Lisa Pereyra of Burbank Dental Laboratory, at the recent Greater New York Dental Meeting. (DTI/Photo Fred Michmershuizen, DTA)
Burbank Dental Laboratory

Burbank Dental Laboratory

Mon. 6 December 2010


Burbank Dental Laboratory is offering a Patient Education Model. This valuable tool is designed to help clinicians educate patients and promote metal-free restorations, such as IPS e.max and Burbank’s own full-zirconia restoration, Zir-MAX. In today’s economy, it is important to have options that patients can afford and a way to educate them regarding the results they can expect.

Burbank’s acrylic metal-free replica crown allows the clinician to have a tool that Burbank provides on a complimentary basis, and the impact on a dental practice could be invaluable.

There are two Burbank products that are positioned best for today’s patient demands for esthetics, durability and value; both IPS e.max full-contour pressed monolithic lithium-disilicate and Zir-MAX restorations meet the clinician’s needs for esthetically driven quadrant dentistry.

Many of the dental practices that work with Burbank have expressed they are doing more need-based quadrant type dentistry.

This translates into a focus on more posterior restorations, but the patient’s desire for cosmetics has not diminished … even if their budget has.

Today, Burbank Dental Laboratory can offer these two products that are strong, esthetic and provide great values.

  • Strength: e.max monolithic at 400 MPa, and Zir-MAX at over 800 MPa.
  • Esthetics: e.max has four levels of translucency and the full spectrum of shade to choose from, and Zir-MAX is the most translucent full zirconia available.
  • Value: e.max monolithic (Press and Glaze) is on an introductory fee of $154 per unit through the end of December, and Burbank’s Zir-MAX is on an introductory offer of $99 through January 2011.
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