Dental News - Bullied teen gets beautiful smile

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Bullied teen gets beautiful smile

Savannah, a gifted vocalist, is a direct beneficiary of the Tomorrow’s SMILES program. (DTI/Photo National Children’s Oral Health Foundation: America’s ToothFairy)

Wed. 13 March 2013


 CHARLOTTE, N.C., USA: “I’ve been bullied, and it hurts. Changing the appearance of my smile would mean everything to me,” said Savannah, a talented teen and aspiring singer with a broken smile. Suffering cruel teasing from her peers throughout her childhood, she knows all too well the pain and torment of being bullied. Fearing ridicule, Savannah did her best to hide her smile.

 A gifted vocalist, she even learned to sing without showing her teeth in an effort to avoid the harsh remarks and whispered insults. Savannah also acknowledges that her broken smile limits her potential and notes, “Singing involves opening my mouth, and opening my mouth means people will see my teeth, and because of that, I have not been able to perform as well as I should.”

Her parents longed to be able to help their daughter, but with five children to feed and clothe, there was never enough money to get Savannah the dental treatment she needed. Savannah possessed the talent and ambition to achieve her dreams, but she lacked the confidence that comes with a beautiful smile.

Brian, director of her local Boys & Girls Club, saw a promising teen suffering needlessly. So, he recommended Savannah for a teen program of National Children’s Oral Health Foundation: America’s ToothFairy (NCOHF) called Tomorrow’s SMILES.

Sponsored by the Patterson Foundation, this program provides at-risk adolescents with comprehensive oral health services to help prepare them for healthy and productive futures. Through this program, caring volunteer dentists provide pro-bono restorative services for a prescreened, underserved teen and have access to generously donated products from Invisalign and Nobel Biocare (including Procera).

Upon acceptance into the program, Savannah was matched with a caring dental professional. Thanks to volunteer dentist Dr. Mario Paz, Savannah is receiving the critical treatment she needs.

In return for the life-changing services she will be receiving as an America’s ToothFairy Tomorrow’s SMILES teen, Savannah will “Pay It Forward” by delivering oral health education to children in her community. With new smiles and restored self-confidence, Tomorrow’s SMILES teens serve as mentors to young children and encourage them to practice good oral health behaviors. Savannah plans to educate local youth at her Boys & Girls Club on the importance of maintaining a healthy smile.

Hoping to help other kids avoid the pain and ridicule that she endured, 14-year-old Savannah is a dedicated volunteer in the anti-bullying campaign at her local Boys & Girls Club. She participates in weekly workshops that help teach other children how to respond in a situation where they are being bullied.

“I don’t want others to have to go through what I did,” she said about her efforts to empower other children not to succumb. “That is why I feel it is my turn to step up to the plate and take a stand.”

With a powerful voice that conveys soulful emotion and depth well beyond her years, Savannah has a bright future ahead of her. A YouTube video of her singing attracted the attention of the producers of The Ellen DeGeneres Show. She has since been invited to appear on the show three times, including singing with celebrities such as Jennifer Hudson. With help from America’s ToothFairy Tomorrow’s SMILES, she can now face her future with a confident smile.

Supporters of America’s ToothFairy had a chance to get to know Savannah when she made an appearance at the Celebration of Smiles in Chicago on Feb. 21. As her way of saying thank you to America’s ToothFairy and all of its supporters for making such a difference in her life and inspiring other children who are being bullied, she sang the song “Beautiful.” She also took a few moments to share her own experiences being bullied and teased because of her broken smile. Deeply moved by her heartfelt words and outstanding performance, the audience gave her a standing ovation.

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