Dental News - America’s Toothfairy celebrates 5th anniversary

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America’s Toothfairy celebrates 5th anniversary

From left: Mike Cohen, Mike Orecchia, David Lang and Dan Parrilli. (DTI/Photo Mark Eisen, DTA)
Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Tue. 1 March 2011


CHICAGO: Hundreds of dental industry leaders were on hand during the Midwinter Meeting as National Children’s Oral Health Foundation (NCOHF), known as America’s Toothfairy, held its fifth anniversary celebration Feb. 24 at the Hyatt Regency. The mission of NCOHF is to eliminate pediatric oral disease and promote overall health and well being for millions of children from vulnerable populations.

NCOHF is a comprehensive resource provider for non-profit community programs that deliver critical preventive, educational and treatment services.

Among those speaking at the reception were NCOHF board member Dr. Gordon Christensen and NCOHF President and CEO Fern K. Ingber, who both expressed thanks to the association’s corporate underwriters, whose contributions allow 100 percent of donations to go directly to children’s oral care services.

NCOHF provides vital financial, product and technical support to a growing national network of not-for-profit Affiliate programs and volunteer dental professionals delivering critical oral health services for underserved children. All NCOHF Affiliate partners use a comprehensive preventive, restorative and educational model to break the cycle of pediatric dental disease and improve children’s overall health.



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