Dental News - AGD creates international membership category

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AGD creates international membership category

I applaud our delegates’ willingness to be so proactive and forward-thinking,’ says AGD President W. Carter Brown, DMD, FAGD. (Photo: AGD)

Tue. 15 July 2014


CHICAGO, Ill, USA: The Academy of General Dentistry (AGD) House of Delegates (HOD) on June 29 approved two resolutions: one to create an international membership category, and the second to separate the annual meeting scientific session and convocation from the HOD and governance.

 “These actions are a testament to the HOD’s vision for the AGD’s future,” said AGD President W. Carter Brown, DMD, FAGD.

“I applaud our delegates’ willingness to be so proactive and forward-thinking,” Brown said.

The AGD’s new international membership category — which will open in October 2014 — will allow dentists from across the world who share the AGD’s values, goals and mission to join the organization and pursue the AGD Fellowship and Mastership awards. Previously, dentists from outside the U.S. and Canada could only apply for affiliate membership.

“We’re very excited to welcome international members, many of whom have wanted to join our family for some time,” Brown said. “The sharing of global ideas will serve the AGD well as we work together to navigate the ever-changing dental profession.”

The HOD also voted to split the association’s annual meeting into two separate events beginning in 2017. The scientific session and convocation will take place in the summer, and governance activities will likely occur in the fall. This will allow the AGD to concentrate more resources toward its scientific session and create new, dynamic continuing education offerings.

“These two historic resolutions have created new opportunities for the AGD, and we are committed to pursuing them,” Brown said.

(Source: AGD)


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