Dental News - Rhein83Days: European conference dedicated to removable prosthesis

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Rhein83Days: European conference dedicated to removable prosthesis

Rhein83Days were held June 9 and 10 in Bologna. (Photo: Rhein83)

Tue. 25 July 2017


The removable prosthesis for many years has been considered as an alternative prosthetic project less important than the fixed prosthesis but today with the increase of the average life expectancy and with the new technologies, the removable denture has reached levels of quality and reliability that very often it is better than the fixed prosthesis considering aesthetics, functionality and the ability to keep the prosthesis clean.

On the 9th and the 10th of June, two important days, two days dedicated to the removable prosthesis, a date that many people will remember; for sure the more than 650 participants at Rhein83Days will remember the event organized in Bologna by Rhein83 the world's leading Bolognese company in the production of removable prosthesis attachments. In 2015, the first edition was successful, but repeating and doubling the attendance was neither sure nor predictable. Today, Rhein83Days is the most important event dedicated to the removable prosthesis.

What was the secret that led us to this result? We asked this question to the two Rhein83 owners: Gianni Storni and Claudia Nardi.

Storni said: “In the organization of a congress the most important and hardest part is the program; to invite important and specialized speakers in the field you want to deal with, professionals who, besides showing beautiful images, are able to ‘leave’ something to the audience, I think this was the key to our congress success. Students from some Italian universities were involved, and for the first time students in their last year of University were able to present their work to nearly 700 people, followed by speakers among the leading Italian experts both dentists and dental technicians. The first day ended with a speech from the San Raffaele team that use attachments for extraoral facial epithesis. The second day was dedicated to digital and experimentation to demonstrate that the removable prosthesis is far from over and that the research continues to strive to simplify the work of professionals and give better answers to patients. It was a challenging conference both for us and for the many present; one things that surprised me was that the room was always full, even after the breaks. We are also very pleased because after the conference we received dozens of mails, phone calls and messages with positive feedbacks. All this recovers us very quickly with new energies and fills us with motivation and enthusiasm to undertake new challenges.”

Nardi said: “I agree with Gianni and I would like to add that a part of the success is certainly due to the atmosphere that one could breath during the two congress days, a friendly and serene atmosphere culminated on Friday night at the dinner we offered where, besides the good food, those present enjoyed dancing and chatting until late at night. I am confident that the Rhein83days will become a two-year appointment to which the many enthusiasts of the removable prostheses will not miss; from our side we will be happy to welcome them in our home town Bologna; let me end with a ‘see you’ in 2019, the 7th and the 8th of June.”

(Source: Rhein83)

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