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Designs for Vision’s new NanoCamHD records digitally at 1080p high-definition resolution. The NanoCamHD records magnified HD images from your perspective. The complete system includes 2.5x, 3.5x and 4.5x lens systems to match the magnification you are using — providing a true user’s point of view.

As an added feature, still photographs can be taken from live video feed or during playback mode. The video or still images can be uploaded into a patient file, included in a presentation or course or shared with a colleague or laboratory for collaborative consultations.

Camera and mini LED headlight attach to loupe or headband

The NanoCamHD complete system includes a color corrected ULTRA Mini LED DayLite headlight. The combination headlight/NanoCamHD weighs 1.1 ounces and can be attached to your loupes or can be worn on a lightweight headband.

The system also includes a foot pedal to enable hands-free operation of the NanoCamHD. Record/pause, mute/unmute and still photography are controlled by the operator hands-free via the foot pedal.

For best results, Designs for Vision recommends that users combine the NanoCamHD with the company’s dental telescopes. Matching true magnification level’s of 2.5x, 3.5x or 4.5x will produce the most realistic simulation from the user’s perspective, according to the company. The NanoCamHD can also be attached to the new Nike Retro frames or the new DVI Sport frames.

