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Webinar: Targeted planning for implant and prosthetic success

(Image: Mathias Rosenthal/Shutterstock)

Wed. 12 November 2014


LEIPZIG, Germany: A structured workflow — with a little more planning time — allows for predictable results during implant and prosthetic treatment that can be achieved quickly and safely. Accomplishing this will be explained in a free webinar presented by the Dental Tribune Study Club on Nov. 19.

The combination of modern techniques helps to standardize treatment processes, and make them easier and safer. As part of this chain, digital recording media, such as CBCT devices, offer maximal diagnostic information on which to base precise planning and subsequent esthetic and functional restorations.

In the webinar, speaker Dr. Jesper Hatt will discuss the do's and don’ts of aesthetic planning, the advantages of backward planning, predictable implant placement with printed templates and the pitfalls of prosthetic restorations.

The webinar, titled “Targeted planning for implant and prosthetic success,” is free of charge and will be broadcast online on Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 9:00 AM (EST). Participants will be able to ask questions via a chat window and have the opportunity to earn a continuing education credit by completing a multiple-choice questionnaire on the topic discussed.

Registration for the webinar is now open on the DT Study Club website,

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