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The ‘Art of Imaging’ lights up the night in Chicago

Kalpana Singh, senior product manager for i-CAT, offers a presentation at the ‘Art of Imaging’ event, held during the Chicago Midwinter Meeting. (DTI/Photo Fred Michmershuizen, DTA)

Wed. 27 February 2013


CHICAGO, Ill., USA: During the recent Chicago Midwinter Meeting, DEXIS, i-CAT and Henry Schein Dental hosted “The Art of Imaging” at the Chicago Illuminating Company. In attendance were more than 300 people from the dental community, including dentists, company representatives and the dental media. According to the companies, the event space was an excellent venue for illuminating three new imaging masterpieces: DEXIS Imaging Suite, DEXIS go iPad app and i-CAT FLX.

After the initial reception, the products were unveiled. The room was abuzz when the DEXIS go app was presented. The demonstration showcased the practical benefits of the app, as well as its ability to facilitate presentations to the patient.

DEXIS Imaging Suite has one new feature that stirred interest — DEXcosmetic, which is significant in the ways it assists dentists in using the power of an image to help patients better understand their conditions and become a partner in the process of diagnosis.

Carsten Franke, senior director of marketing for DEXIS, said: “Tonight’s reaction to DEXIS go and DEXIS Image Suite here at the event has been amazing. When we see this much excitement from the dental community over our products, we know our commitment to provide the best in imaging technology is truly worth all the effort we expend.”

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The crowd was also humming about one of the new and beneficial features of the i-CAT FLX: QuickScan+, a 3-D scan that covers the same area as a pan but with less radiation [data on file].

Kalpana Singh, senior product manager for i-CAT, said she was also delighted with the attendees’ responses.

“The reception for the new i-CAT FLX has been remarkable,” Singh said. “It’s our extreme pleasure to offer this system that has such a high level of versatility, one that really puts the clinician in control. We know that dentists, and the patients they treat, will benefit greatly from the i-CAT FLX.”

The next part of the event was another bright spot in the evening. Guests were treated to a hands-on experience with DEXIS go and i-CAT FLX. iPads loaded with DEXIS go and the i-CAT FLX’s new touch screen interface were ready for “play.”

(Source: DEXIS)


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