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Smiles Change Lives honors volunteer champions

Ryan Coleman of 3M, left, LeAnn Smith of Smiles Change Lives and Dr. Scott McCranels, 2011 Gini Award recipient, gather before the awards program. (DTI/Photo Smiles Change Lives)

Wed. 14 December 2011


KANSAS CITY, MO, USA: Smiles Change Lives, an organization that provides life-changing, essential orthodontic treatment to children from low-income families, recently presented six individuals and two companies with Gini Awards, to honor their outstanding dedication to children’s oral health. “The Gini Awards recognize the heroes that go above and beyond in their role as volunteers,” said Gracie Harrison, volunteer coordinator for the agency.

The vision of Smiles Change Lives is to provide access to braces for all youth suffering from crooked teeth and misaligned jaws.

Virginia Brown, or “Gini” as her friends call her, founded the national nonprofit organization in Kansas City with her son Thomas Brown. To date, it has helped more than 1,500 children receive affordable orthodontic treatment in partnership with caring orthodontists. Smiles Change Lives works with more than 500 volunteer orthodontists nationwide and utilizes hundreds of office, committee and event volunteers in its Kansas City headquarters.

During an awards ceremony held recently, the following honorees were awarded “Ginis” as remarkable ambassadors for the Smiles Change Lives mission of providing access to orthodontic care for children in need:

3M Unitek, Monrovia, Calif.: A substantial financial investor and staunch supporter of the Smiles Change Lives mission, 3M staff from coast to coast have been instrumental in recruiting orthodontists to the program and providing product support. Because of 3M, hundreds of new SCL orthodontic providers nationwide are working with Smiles Change Lives and bracing kids for a better future.

Dr. Hilary Nieberg Baskin, Denver, Colo.: Baskin has been a visionary in launching a statewide program serving Colorado, establishing a diverse referral network, conducting orthodontic screenings in her practice, attending public outreach events and keeping Smiles Change Lives at the forefront of Colorado access-to-care networks.

Dr. Dustin Burleson, Kansas City, Mo.: When he’s not providing cutting-edge treatment to newborns with cleft palate, or donating his care to dozens of Smiles Change Lives patients each year, Burleson can be found teaching at the UMKC School of Dentistry and providing care to the toughest cases at area hospitals. Burleson is a longtime supporter of nearly every Smiles Change Lives event, campaign and outreach effort.

Children’s Mercy Family Health Partners (CMFHP), Kansas City, Mo.: CMFHP has become a part of the Smiles Change Lives family through its deep commitment to employee volunteerism. Employee volunteers have not only donated their time, but in 2010 raised funds for Smiles Change Lives through its annual charity golf tournament. Through the commitment of many talented individuals CMFHP has provided Smiles Change Lives with hundreds of hours of support.

Carrie Hobart, Kansas City, Mo.: Hobart began her very successful service to Smiles Change Lives with an unpaid marketing internship early this year. Beginning with 20 hours per week, her work included orthodontist recruitment, information management and applicant processing. Due to her dedication, talent and enthusiasm for Smiles Change Lives, Hobart has now become a full-time member of the Smiles Change Lives staff.

Dr. Randall Markarian, southern Illinois: Determined to help as many children as possible both statewide and nationwide, Markarian has served Smiles Change Lives as an advisor, recruiter, Community Advisory Board leader, fundraiser and St. Louis-area program champion. Hosting events in his practice, screening patients and treating dozens of SCL cases, Markarian always finds creative opportunities for Smiles Change Lives.

Dr. Scott McCranels, West Palm Beach, Fla.: Competitive surfer, outstanding orthodontist and remarkable philanthropist are just a few ways to describe the many successes of McCranels. A leader in launching the first SCL expansion area serving Florida nearly a decade ago, McCranels served on the Smiles Change Lives National Board for eight years and assists in recruiting colleagues both locally and nationwide.

Jan Tracy: The mastermind behind the look and feel of Smiles Change Lives, Tracy has produced countless works of art, including Smiles Change Lives newsletters, gratitude reports, brochures, displays and collateral. She has also served on the Community Advisory Board and Marketing Committee for over a decade. Her tasteful eye has been influential in reaching the many audiences Smiles Change Lives serves.

The awards were presented Oct. 14 at the American Restaurant in Kansas City, Mo. Because of the dedication of these and hundreds of other volunteers annually, Smiles Change Lives will connect caring orthodontists with more than 700 children in need in 2011.

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