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Scientific American and Colgate-Palmolive publish ‘The Future of Oral Health’

More than 50 GNYDM attendees met offsite Monday morning to learn more about a Scientific America Custom Media publication that examines the future of oral health care. From left, the panelists are Michael Alfano, DMD, Marko Vujicic, Sharon Guynup and Jeremy Abbate. (Photo: Robert Selleck, DTA)

Tue. 29 November 2016


NEW YORK, N.Y., USA: Scientific American Custom Media and Colgate-Palmolive Company hosted an offsite gathering Monday morning during the 2016 Greater New York Dental Meeting to discuss their recent collaboration on a Scientific American Custom Media publication that focuses on global oral health-care issues.

More than 50 dental professionals, industry leaders and media representatives attended a panel session featuring key contributors to the publication, “The Future of Oral Heath,” which looks at the impact of oral disease on whole-body health and the changes to the practice of dentistry worldwide.

Jeremy Abbate, vice president and publisher of Scientific American and the publishing director of “The Future of Oral Heath,” moderated the panel. The panelists were Michael C. Alfano, DMD, PhD (president, Santa Fe Group and professor, dean and executive vice president emeritus, New York university), Sharon Guynup (Scientific American Custom Media editorial director of “The Future of Oral Health”) and Marko Vujicic, PhD (chief economist and vice president, Health Policy Institute, American Dental Association).

The publication explores science, policy and new delivery models to better understand the current and future state of the multifaceted oral health field. Within the publication are updates on:

  • The oral health of a growing elderly population; global health issue of caries and periodontal diseases and the latest industry developments helping to improve access and cost-of-care in these areas.
  • The state of the science linking oral health and other areas of medicine and changes in the relationships between the dental and medical communities as they slowly de-silo and integrate to deliver better care and greater access for patients.
  • New tools being employed in diagnostics, biotechnology, and digital health that are advancing care, along with a special look at how dentistry and oral health will be managed in the future.
  • Philosophies and technologies that have fueled industry changes and ways in which global demographics are mandating more accommodating, on-demand approaches to dentistry that reduce cost and bring care to hard-to-reach populations.

In a news release issued prior to the meeting, project leader Abbate said, “We are thrilled to be working with Colgate to bring these important issues to an international audience,” “Examining oral health through the lens of global health, access to care, and future technology is a relevant conversation, not just for dentistry, but for the larger allied health space.”

Pat Verduin, Colgate’s Chief Technology Officer, said, “Solutions in oral health must address evolving patient needs, changing global demographics, and the ever-advancing innovation landscape that will affect delivery methods and models of care. We are very proud to be a part of this multifaceted conversation.”

Scientific American’s “The Future of Oral Health: Global Challenges, Advances, and New Technologies” is freely accessible at

(Source: Colgate Oral Health Network for Professional Education and Development)


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