Dental News - Online fellowship program in oral implantology

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Online fellowship program in oral implantology

A certificate program in oral implantology is available through the California Implant Institute and the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV). (Photo: California Implant Institute)

Wed. 22 April 2020


California Implant Institute, in collaboration with the University of Nevada at Las Vegas (UNLV), is offering an online implant fellowship program. The course was created by expert educators and clinicians. It comprises a comprehensive and modular online program that allows participants to gain foundational knowledge in all the various aspects critical to delivering successful surgical and prosthetic implant dentistry.

The course also offers training in areas of advanced bone and soft tissue grafting, sinus augmentation, extraction socket management and digital implant dentistry.

Participants will acquire the necessary skills — while stationed anywhere in the world, and at their own pace — to perform any implant procedure, according to the California Implant Institute.

The content of the online Fellowship Program (the PowerPoint presentations and the recorded live lectures) highlights the latest advancements and techniques in implant dentistry. You can now enjoy attending all of the presentations and lectures and do all the assignments from the comfort of your home while earning 300 continuing education credit of the highest quality in implant dentistry, according to the California Implant Institute.

The program is made of three parts. Each part consists of:

  • Power point presentations (around 500-800 slides)
  • Recorded live lectures
  • Recorded live surgeries
  • Resources center containing manuals, charts, medication protocols and more
  • A 100-question examination

Upon completion of all of the above successfully, the doctor is able to move to the next part. Upon the completion of all three parts and all three exams, the doctor will be awarded a 300-credit C.E. certificate in Oral implantology from the California Implant Institute and the UNLV School of Dental Medicine. This course is recognized by ADA CERP and AGD PACE.


More information about the course is available here. To register, click here.

(Source: California Implant Institute)


One thought on “Online fellowship program in oral implantology

  1. Adham Nasr says:

    I would like to know more information about eligibility, and fees if you please.
    Thank you in advance.

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