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New webinar: ‘Your patient database is a cash cow. Trick your staff into milking it’

Bob Spiel, MBA, will lead a webinar, ‘Your patient database is a cash cow. Trick your staff into milking it,’ on July 29 at 8:30 p.m. EST (Photo: Weave)

Wed. 25 June 2014


Any established dental practice has thousands or tens of thousands of patient records. These active and inactive patients are ready and waiting to be marketed to. They are already familiar with you and your services; if only you could contact them — and convince them to schedule an appointment — you’d be so much more productive.

Unfortunately, no one likes to call inactive patients, no one has the time to contact them, and it can be expensive to reach them through traditional marketing methods.

But what if you could trick your staff into marketing to your patient base with no added training and no additional time requirements?

In the webinar, “Your patient database is a cash cow. Trick your staff into milking it,” you’ll learn just how easy, natural and intuitive it is to get your staff to market to your existing patient base while performing their normal everyday responsibilities. Your staff will begin scheduling more appointments without even trying.

The webinar will be held July 29 at 8:30 p.m. EST.

Spend 60 minutes with Bob Spiel, MBA, and learn tips to be more productive, without any additional programs, trainings or procedures. For more information, contact Weave or visit

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