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Midwestern orthodontists recognize new board and honor Kanyusik

Midwestern Society of Orthodontists’ 2015 Earl E. Shepard Distinguished Service Award was presented to Dr. John Kanyusik. (Photo: Midwestern Society of Orthodontists)

Tue. 12 January 2016


NEW YORK, N.Y., USA: The following new officers were installed to serve the Midwestern Society of Orthodontists (MSO): Dr. Ara Goshgarian of Lake Forest, Ill., as president; Dr. Virginia Mennemeyer of Troy, Mo., as president-elect; and Dr. Ryan VanLaecken of Watertown, S.D., as secretary-treasurer. Dr. Brent Larson of Minneapolis continues to serve as an officer, as the MSO Trustee to the American Association of Orthodontists Board.

Dr. John Kharouf of Rapid City, S.D., joined the MSO board as the new South Dakota director when VanLaecken moved up to serve as MSO officer. Also continuing to serve their respective component organization on the MSO board as directors are Dr. Spencer Pope of Flossmoor, Ill.; Dr. David Gehring of Cedar Rapids, Iowa; Dr. Conny Athanasopoulos of Winnipeg, Manitoba; Dr. Kevin Denis of Lindstrom, Minn.; Dr. Mark Dake of West Plains, Mo.; Dr. Kimberley Stafford of Omaha, Neb.; Dr. Alison Fallgatter of Steele, N.D.; and Dr. Scott Arbit of Mequon, Wis.

Dr. Deborah Lien of Rochester, Minn., successfully completed her term as the 2014-2015 president and will continue to serve on the MSO board as immediate past president.

Kanyusik is honored

MSO’s 2015 Earl E. Shepard Distinguished Service Award was presented at the MSO Annual Member Business Meeting Oct. 10 to Dr. John Kanyusik. In addition to practicing in Mankato, Minn., he teaches part-time at the University of Minnesota’s Department of Orthodontics. He is a past president of the MSO and College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics.

This award was created in honor of Dr. Earl E. Shepard to recognize orthodontists for outstanding service to orthodontics and their community.

The MSO’s 2015 Annual Session was held Oct. 9-10 at the Kahler Grand, located next to Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn.

MSO represents more than 1,400 members in Illinois, Iowa, Manitoba, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin. The MSO, as a constituent organization of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), supports the mission of the AAO by providing resources, communication and leadership, while serving as a voice for its component societies and individual members.

The 2016 Midwestern Society of Orthodontists Annual Session will be held Nov. 4-5 in Chicago.

(Source: Midwestern Society of Orthodontists)


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