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Meeting review: 2019 Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting

A sunny spring morning welcomes attendees to the 2019 Hinman meeting. (Photo: Dental Tribune America)

Tue. 26 March 2019


ATLANTA, Ga., USA: The 2019 Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting was held March 21 to 23 at the Georgia World Congress Center. This year, the theme of the annual meeting was “The Beat Goes On: Dentistry & Your Systemic Health.”

Hinman 2019 featured 313 courses, including 95 participation and interactive courses that covered a wide array of knowledge that dentists and dental professionals can apply immediately in their dental practices and careers. The meeting featured 94 speakers — 41 new to Hinman — who presented the latest developments in the dental profession.

One such course focused on the opioid epidemic in America. In a three-hour interactive program, “A Simulated Dental Malpractice Court Case Presented Live,” Dr. Robert Anderton, Dr. Mitchell Gardiner, Jo Jagor, JD, and Ryan Donihue, JD, discussed the issues in full.

In addition to a comprehensive continuing education program and the Keynote Session, featuring former Buffalo Bills quarterback and oral cancer survivor Jim Kelly, Hinman 2019 also featured nearly 400 companies — located in the Building A Exhibit Hall. Exhibitors showcased new technology, equipment, products and services for the entire dental staff.

Also in the exhibit hall was a Learning Lab Co-Op, which was especially good for laboratory technicians. Attendees could stop by for tabletop demonstrations or attend lectures. One presenter, Chucri Chemali, CDT, spoke on n “Keep it REAL!” while Dr. Joe Massad and Dr. David Little presented a live patient demonstration, “Final Seating of an Overdenture and a Fixed Denture.”

Table Clinics were presented in the back of the exhibit hall. Table clinics are scientific tabletop presentations that are each approximately 10 minutes in length and are given by volunteers associated with the dental community. Attendees received a code for one hour of C.E. credit for each hour spent in the table clinics area.



Complete health was the theme over at the Total Health Pavilion, where attendees could learn about healthy living, sample nourishing snacks, talk to lifestyle experts and learn more about CIMT scans, a 10-minute ultrasound procedure on your neck that can save your life by helping to stop heart attacks and strokes before they occur.

At Hinman Hoops, you could talk March Madness and show off your own basketball shooting prowess.

The Hinman Dental Meeting is designed with a commitment to quality and professionalism and a high regard for the value of continuing education. The meeting is sponsored by the Hinman Dental Society, a non-profit organization, and all excess revenue is invested and gifted in the form of individual scholarships to dental, hygiene, assisting and lab tech students and contributions to institutions that foster dental education.

To learn more about the meeting, visit

(Source: The Thomas P. Hinman Dental Meeting)

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