Dental News - ‘Literally any dentist can be a laser expert’

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‘Literally any dentist can be a laser expert’

Convergent CEO Mike Cataldo with the Solea laser at the CDA Presents the Art and Science of Dentistry meeting in Anaheim, Calif. (Photo: Sierra Rendon, DTA)
Kristine Colker, DTA

Kristine Colker, DTA

Wed. 11 May 2016


ANAHEIM, Calif., USA: Becoming a laser expert just got easier. With the release of Solea 3.0, a new software for the Solea, Convergent Dental’s anesthesia-free and blood-free al-tissue dental laser, it really does come down to the touch of a pedal. To use the Solea, you simply turn it on, direct the beam at the desired tissue and then step on the variable-speed foot pedal, much the same way you’d step on the gas pedal of a car — softer for soft tissues and harder for hard tissues.

The one-setting-fits-all approach works for tooth structure, bone and soft tissue.

“Solea makes things significantly easier,” said Convergent Dental CEO Michael Cataldo. “Now, literally any dentist can be a laser expert.”

In addition to its simplicity, Solea 3.0 is also designed to give dentists better results faster. Cataldo said the software cuts 2.5 times faster and five times smoother than the previous version.

“The biggest thing about Solea 3.0 is that it’s so much easier to get the results you want,” he said. “We put it more within reach of any dentist anywhere.”

Another aspect of the Solea that Cataldo is proud of is the fact that any dentist who buys one, no matter when, is eligible for all future upgrades, which are delivered over WiFi.

“We send new updates maybe once a quarter, and all customers will have the same benefits,” he said. “Nobody gets left behind.”

But why make all these changes when the Solea was easy enough to use to begin with?

“Why would we make these upgrades? Because it’s just in our DNA,” Cataldo said. “I don’t care how well we’re doing, we’re constantly developing and innovating in this place. It’s what made us leading product and will keep us a leading product.”

Cataldo says anyone who is unsure about the Solea or dental lasers in general, or those who are looking for a dental laser but aren’t sure which one to buy, are invited to stop by the Convergent Dental booth at CDA Presents the Art and Science of Dentistry.

“I think there will be a much higher degree of confidence on the part of people considering Solea once they see how easy it is,” he said. “But I also want to tell people to go ahead and try it. And remember, we actually guarantee the Solea. If you don’t get the results you want from it, you can return it and get your money back.”

If you’re interested, you can get a hands-on demonstration of Solea all show long over at the Convergent booth, and if you decide to purchase one, you can get a deal if you do so here at the show.


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