Dental News - IMS Cassettes can help eliminate sharps injuries

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IMS Cassettes can help eliminate sharps injuries

IMS Cassettes can keep instruments organized and dental staff members safe. (Photo: HuFriedyGroup.)

Wed. 30 March 2022


Dental Support Organizations (DSOs) need to make safety, consistency and efficiency a top priority. It’s critical to delivering the best patient experience and most stable business model. For one nationwide DSO, success came from a strategic partnership with HuFriedyGroup.

When the organization learned about the Instrument Management System (IMS) for organizing and managing instruments, it wanted to understand the potential impact on its offices. After an extensive trial period with different locations, the results were astounding.

Sharp injuries eliminated

After switching to IMS Cassettes, the locations had zero incidents of sharps injuries.

Cleaning instruments by hand increases the risk of sharps injury, as approximately 31 percent occur during cleaning. With IMS Cassettes, instruments are contained throughout the sterilization process, dramatically lowering the risk of occupational exposure. The only time staff has direct contact with any instrument is in the operatory with patients.

Greater efficiency

Because instruments are not scrubbed, sorted and pouched manually, the offices reprocessed instruments eight minutes faster with IMS Cassettes.

That extra time adds up, giving clinicians more one-on-one time with patients, building relationships, explaining treatment plans and ensuring they are comfortable. Additionally, the offices can see more patients throughout the day.

Protecting instruments

IMS Cassettes keep instruments organized and in proper cleaning positions, helping the offices protect their investment in instruments.

During reprocessing, instruments are more frequently damaged or lost, resulting in offices purchasing new ones more often. With IMS Cassettes, instruments are held securely in place throughout reprocessing so the staff doesn’t have to waste time searching for lost instruments or ordering replacements.

Faster onboarding

The streamlined setup of the IMS Cassettes made training new assistants significantly faster for the offices.

Every instrument has a specific spot in the cassettes, and the color-coded system allows procedural setups to be easily identified. When new assistants come into the dental office, they can quickly locate what is needed and feel confident they have all the necessary instruments.

It was easy for the DSO to see that IMS Cassettes delivered an impressive return on investment, and the organization decided to implement the cassettes in more locations. The positive responses from the offices proved it was the right decision.

“We always look for opportunities with the strategic partners we work with,” said the DSO purchasing manager. “Working with HuFriedyGroup regarding the IMS Cassettes was kind of a no-brainer due to the fact both our companies are synonymous with excellence.”

More information about IMS Cassettes is available at

(Source: HuFriedyGroup)

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