Dental News - Endo Technic unveils Endo Pulse for root canal treatment

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Endo Technic unveils Endo Pulse for root canal treatment

The Endo Pulse (EP) is new from Endo Technic.
Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Fred Michmershuizen, DTA

Mon. 14 December 2009


SAN DIEGO, CA, USA: Endo Technic, a San Diego, CA-based company, recently introduced new equipment — the Endo Pulse (EP) — to be used during root canal therapy.

“The new Endo Pulse (EP) never breaks a file,” John Benz, director of Endo Technic, told Dental Tribune recently. “It is not a rotary handpiece. It uses vertical reciprocation to replicate natural hand movement.”

“EP will path find and enlarge all curved and calcified RCT plus retreat GP and Thermafil,” Benz said. “It offers auto irrigation to lubricate canals, wash out debris and add Cavitation to increase sodium hypochlorite effect.”

Master files are US$13.50 for a box of six. More information is available from Endo Technic at +1 877 477 8899.

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